Chapter 11 ~ "Misunderstandings"

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I'm barely awake and school is already starting again. I spent my weekend crying and getting beat up at the mall, time flies when you're not enjoying yourself.

I walked into school rubbing my eye, my baggy green shirt with a golden eighty-six on the front just drooped down my black shorts. My hair was up in a high ponytail and little baby hairs surrounded my face. I rested my head on my locker as I tried to get it to open. It got stuck every single time. I started banging my head on the locker and groaning, knowing I only have a few minutes to get it open and go to class. I turned the spinner and and kept my head on the cold locker's surface. I just stood there with my head against the metal. I pushed up on the silver piece and nothing happened. My locker pushed open a little bit and I confusingly took my head off. I opened the door and saw my science book pushed against it. I was confused and wearily looked around shaking my head. I pushed my science book back, grabbed my ginormous ELA piece of junk, and closed the locker. I looked at it in my hands and realized I forgot to grab my notebook. I groaned and slammed my head against the locker. There was a loud bang inside the large piece of metal. I woke up a little bit and quickly opened it only to jump backwards.

Glass shards came spewing out of the locker and I immediately shut it as one nearly skinned my leg. I was shocked and surprised, annoyingly surprised. I pressed my lips together and grunted as I speed walked down the hallway, kids quickly moved out of the way and some were stunned.

I sat myself down and placed my ELA book on top of my desk. It made the loudest noise and everyone looked at me. Mz. Georgia came in the room from the hallway with her clipboard tucked in her hands.

"Ms. Morgan, tardy." She said it with sass as she scraped her pen against the board.

It immediately got on my nerves but I held myself together with my fists clenched, shuddering above my desk.

"Mind telling the class why you were late?" Even though she is a teacher, she's the brat of the school.

My eyes were closed and my lips were still pressed together.

"No? Alright then." She waltzed over to her desk and put the clipboard down, dangling off the side. She started typing on her computer and plastered on a serious face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Maybe mom or dad will know." She said with a slight smirk escaping her mouth.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and shook my head.

She blinked, her eyes turned to me with a smile and her eyebrows raised in innocence.

My anger was about to spew out of me, my breathing grew louder with every breath, my eyes narrowed more and more, my lips almost bleeding from the pressure.

I slammed my fist on my desk, "God! Locker problems, okay!?"

All eyes were on me, the feeling on regret, guilt, anxiety, fear. It all filled my body.

"Locker problems, hm?" She perked up and traced her finger on the desk as she walked over to the front of the room.

She bent down in front of my wooden desk, the one I was about to push right out in front of me, "let's take a look, shall we?"

I restricted myself from looking in her eyes but her pupils matched mine in a matter of seconds. She walked towards the door and held her hands out, "Lead the way."

I could see and feel the expression of the students. All of their whispers, stares, thoughts, feelings, it all flashed before me without me moving an inch. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't, I was planted in place. She stared and was on her last drop of patience.

"That's it." She said walking towards me angrily and grabbing my arms like I was being arrested.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"This is how we deal with liars." She pushed me forward and made me move down the hallway.

"Where are we going?!" I yelled.

She stopped me and gripped me by my neck, "to your mysteriously broken locker." She replied, pulling my head back.

She shoved me forward again and made me start walking. We only passed one person in the hall, and all of the teachers had their doors closed. I begged and begged in my head for a teacher to look out their door window and see me, hear me, save me. I started balling my eyes out, she was gripping my hair so tight to my neck, my head was falling back.

She pushed me into a locker, "is this one yours?!" She shouted, angrily shoving my head into the cold locker.

I nodded and she let go, slamming me into the pieces of metal, "open it!" She barked.

I lifted myself up and shut my eyes, squeezing back any tears I had left over, I put in the code to my locker and it opened just fine. I swung it open to the right of me and I could feel her anger rising but slowing down, thinking she was right about my 'lies'.

"So, problems, huh?" She laid back on the set of lockers behind me.

I just stood there, "I don't understand..."

"Understand what? That you used an excuse to get out of doing my class?" She she tried to sound surprised.

"Okay, first of all, I was in your class, not skipping it. Second, I didn't have anything major against you, until now. Third, my locker was having problems and I'm sorry you weren't there to see it..." I tried ending on some type of good terms, but she clearly could not care less what I had to say unless it benefited her.

"Talking back to a teacher," Mz. Georgia made a clicking noise with her mouth, shaking both her head and her finger from side to side.

She grabbed me again and dragged me back to her classroom where the students were on the edge of their seats, waiting. We stopped a few feet away from the door as she let go of my body and spun me into the locker.

"You are going to walk in that door and stay seated. If anyone asks you any questions, either don't reply or simply respond with, 'we just had a misunderstanding.' Understood?" She wasn't asking, she was instructing orders.

"Y-yes, ma'am." I replied looking down.

She stood there, "Do we understand?" She took a long pause in between every word.

"Yes, ma'am." I said a little louder.

"I said-" she repeated.

"Yes, ma'am!" I shouted looking up at her.

I stormed into the room and took my seat.

"Yo, what happened?" The kid laughed.

"I-" I took a pause, "It was a misunderstanding." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

She walked in all heroic and took her place by the projector, "with the remaining time we have, I won't have time to teach the entire lesson over again, nor be able to finish it. So, due to this, I will have to assign the homework right now and have you guys bring it home..." she had more to say but kids started groaning.

"You can thank, Prixley, for that." She smiled.

"I narrowed my eyes at her in disbelief and kids started throwing pencils at me and erasers, whatever they could find in their desk.

I lowered my head and shielded myself from the flying objects. I was angry, sad, upset, every emotion was bottling up inside me and I didn't know which one to let out first, so I let them decide.

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