Chapter 29 ~ Confessions

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That was the part that freaked me out. Not the fact that I could have been killed multiple times by the people that were trying to martyr me at any moment, but the fact that we had to spill all of the information that we found out to Mrs. Brock. Yes, I am aware that she agreed to be part of this crazy event, Noelle has reminded me multiple times. It was the fact that we were standing right outside her classroom door the next school day.

The bell rang and it was officially her planning period. Noelle knocked on the light colored wooden door with a thin, yet, tall skinny window on the side of it, then opened it anyway. We walked in and Noelle charged towards Mrs. Brock who was peacefully grading a few papers that she already had stacked on her desk. I looked around a bit first before I continued to go after Noelle.

"Mrs. Brock!" Noelle yelled, putting her books from last period on the floor beside the leg of Mrs. Brock's table.

"Girls! I was wondering when I would see you two again." She replied with a smile on her face as she lifted her head up from gazing at the papers, "sit."

She didn't even need to tell us if we were allowed to sit or not because Noelle already seemed antsy to sit down before her.

"We have lots to tell you," Noelle spoke as we looked at each other before any of us said anything else, "and some of it has to do with your friend, Mrs. Schultz."

"Oh, dear. Please, do tell me." She leaned forwards and pushed the papers aside, completely engaged in our newly important conversation.

Noelle straight up started going deep into the conversation and began telling her about the research, and extra work her and I were doing outside of school. She nodded and gave me a few looks in between, now is when it really occurred to her that this was serious, or at least how serious the two of us were taking it.

"...and I managed to come up with an address," Noelle said, pulling out a slip of paper from her bag.

I was stunned. She never told me anything about an address, this was like a wild card she was pulling out for the first time. I scrunched my nose and looked at the folded up piece of paper she magically just spawned out of her bag.

My gaze turned toward the window, where a woman appeared with a long dress. She looked at me and shook her head ever so slightly. She just stood there, no movement except the head turns. I felt like I couldn't look away until she motioned her head towards Noelle who just now began reading the address.

"From what I've gathered, that should be the exact location, if not close or an important one that has to deal with Prixley's sightings." She continued.

"What?" I blankly looked at her.

"What do you mean, 'what'? The sightings of the women you've been seeing." She looked at me.

I looked at her.

She gave me a more intense stare, "the ones trying to kill you?"

I looked over at the lady who seemed to now be flickering her appearance on and off like a broken light. I stared back at Noelle, "I was talking about the address, I just zoned out when you were talking about it. What was it, again?" I shook off the idea and had to replay what I just said.

"It's 291 LaneGrass Tove..."

"Okay," I replied.

"Prixley, are you okay? I just gave you an address without an avenue, road, drive, no nothing at the end and your response is just 'okay'." She looked at me with genuine concern on her face.

"Yeah, I'm great," I paused before saying anything else, "all this stuff is weird, so why can't the address be weird, too. I mean, who knows if it's right anyway." I began biting my nails and I didn't really realize I was even doing it at that moment. I knew both of them were looking at me and probably wondering, 'what's wrong with her?', but if I'm being wouldn't be the first time.

Noelle took her eyes off me and put her hand on top of my jittering leg. After she knew I had calmed down a bit, she removed her hand and placed it on my own, she made me feel safe.

"That's all I- we have regarding addresses, locations, and other miscellaneous information. Now, onto the topic of your friend, Mrs. Schultz." She finished, keeping her hand on top of mine in comfort.

Noelle looked at me, asking a question without words, asking if I wanted to tell the teacher sitting before us about Mrs. Schultz and her mysterious behavior.

I took a deep breath in and let it back out through my nose, I let my gaze drift from place to place, area to area, and stiffly shook my head to give her the message. She nodded understandingly and began to inform Mrs. Brock about the one-hundred percent chance of the mysterious Mrs. Schultz being alive. Now was when I realized that I finally had the evidence against Riley and everyone else in the school who thought I killed her. I could actually prove them wrong! It was only the fact that the evidence we had was with our own eyes and the small snippet of security footage that Noelle gathered. The amount of problems and accusations that would come with it would be insane, I could be told that it was a fake, we would be asked how we got security footage, people would turn on Noelle, and I wasn't going to punish her for something that I needed to prove. Even if I really thought it was going to relieve me of some problems.

Even with the whole talk I just had with myself in my head, Noelle, being as brave as ever, asked Mrs. Brock the one question I told myself I wouldn't say to anyone even to prove a point, "Promise me you won't turn us in or get mad if we show you this footage?"

Mrs. Brock scrunched her eyebrows, "I...yes, sure." She stared the both of us down as if we had a pile of bird poop on both of our faces.

I watched as Noelle clicked the button on her phone and twisted her arm towards the teacher. I closed my eyes and forced my arm and hand to push my face away towards the wall where a small basketball hoop remained hovering above.

She watched and fixated her chair, "is that...?"

Before she could finish, Noelle nodded.

I glanced over at the two of them and noticed how effortlessly she walked into the room, but I also saw something that none of us noticed before. I assumed it was just a glare from the sun.

"Do you know what's in that room?" Noelle asked.

"No, I would just assume it would have to be a meeting room. I have only been in that room once, when our main meeting room was being remodeled so we used that one. However, it is pretty tiny and there isn't much in there except a table that was moved in for the day. I doubt it's still in there. From what I know, most staff haven't been in there since, some say it's been locked for a while now." She rose her eyebrows and looked at Noelle.

"Replay it again, I just want to see something." I said, finally speaking after five or so minutes.

Noelle played back the video on her phone and showed it to me, it seemed what I initially thought was a lighting problem wasn't a glare but was truly part of the recorded footage after all.

"There, at the bottom of the door. I-"

"It's darker," Noelle finished the sentence before I could.

"That only means that either a shadow of an object is really close to the door, or there has to be another person in the room with her." When I added that sentence, I felt redeemed, like I had finally contributed to this conversation.

The only thing was, whoever the person that was in the room along with Mrs. Schultz remains a mystery untouched.

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