Chapter 31 ~ Goodbye?

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She turned around and had menacingly sweet look on her face.

"Now, which one of you is Prixley?" She asked.

None of us answered, we just stood still. She looked around and let her eyes drift upon our presence.

"I'll say it one more time," her voice was hard, like a threat, almost like if we didn't answer, we would have our heads chopped off at any minute, "which one of you is Prixley...?" She took a pause between each word when asking again. "You might know her better as-"

"I am." Noelle kept her head down and stepped forward before she could continue her statement.

The lady looked her up and down, "really...?"

Noelle hesitated before nodding. She took the place for me and she had more to lose.

"So, you're telling me Gingerbread over here is the 'All To Be Feared' Prixley Ereya Morgan?" She asked.

We were all looking down and none of us said a word, no 'yes' from Noelle, and no one denied it, we all just stayed quiet.

"Aw, poor, sweet Noelle, always taking the blame for other people." She got up from bending over into her face.

Noelle jerked her head up and was ready to start backing away until the woman flicked her hand up and sent Noelle away from her as if being pulled by another force. I looked over at her to see if she was going to be okay until I was yanked by my hair and had a hand over my mouth with another arm holding me hostage in a grasp.

"But I guess since you did a nice thing, it would only be right for me to do the same," She exclaimed with a loud and proud voice, "kid!" Her voice boomed in the large room.

A little boy was brought into the room with a tall robotic woman escorting behind him. He looked down and glanced up for a moment. Never in my life, had I ever seen someone gain as much happiness as he did in those very brief seconds. Mrs. Brock turned around and her eyes lit up like stars in the night. It was then when I realized why I recognized the boy so much. He ran to go hug his mother but his arm was pulled back and he was stopped by the metal figure.

"Mommy!" He called, tears overflowing in his eyes.

Mrs. Brock had her hands cupped over her face and water streaming down her cheeks.

"Take a step closer and lose yourself before you even touch the child!" The woman yelled while holding me tight.

I looked down at where Mrs. Brock was standing and saw a white outline of a rectangle newly drawn on the floor, and clearly she noticed it, too.

"Who are you!?" Mrs. Brock cried.

"Violetta Archove, I might be one of the last people you see." She answered with a smile.

"Give me back my son!" She exclaimed.

"I will end him right now if all of you don't shut up!" She shrieked.

Everyone went quiet, I looked over at Cole, who was shaking and holding in his screams.

She took a breath and looked around to make sure none of us were going to speak, "that's better."

I tried to somewhat calm myself down, so it would be easier for me to breath since Violetta's arm was being held against my neck.

"I offer a proposal," she said sweetly as she jerked her my head in place with her forearm, "the boy for Prixley." I could tell she was proud of herself when she said that because Noelle looked like she had just seen a ghost, and Mrs. Brock knew what she wanted to say but looked afraid to say it.

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