Still here...

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He woke up first. He sat for about an hour, in his own thoughts while staring and smiling at Claire....
Until she woke up too.
"Good morning", he said.
"Morning", she replied.

"Your jaundice is nearly gone and your skin is looking less pale. How do you feel?"
"A bit better." Neil replied.
"Great". she said.

Their hands were still interlocked. Neil tightened his grip. Just then, they heard steps. She pulled away from him. Morgan came. "Looking better, sir."
"Feeling better" said Neil.

"Just a few more hours." she said.
"Stats are improving so I will be back later."

Neil looked back at Claire.
"Sorry. I just thought about being professional at that moment." she said.
He replied: "I get it." He did not even need to ask, but she still answered.

"How is my lactate?"
"3,1. It is a huge improvement."
"That does not sound right", Neil said, looking anxious.
Neil asks for the tablet. "Oh."
"See? What did I say?"
She sees Neil looking a bit worried. "Take a look," he said.
He passes it back to her.
"I'm on the transplant list."
He turns his head.
"Neil, you are going to get one." I know it."
Neil smiles at her, appreciating the fact that she is trying to make him feel positive about it.
"Thanks, but we need to face the possible reality."
Her face droops. Then, she has an idea.

She walks away from his bedside and frantically checks her tablet. She opens his lab results, again. This time, she reads his blood type. "O-neg." she whispers. Her eyes widened.

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