Back to You

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"Great work. Dr. Browne, close him up." said Dr. Andrews.

She closes up the patient and then scrubs out.

She walks up to Neil's room and sees him, but his head is facing the window.

"Excuse me, is this my brother's room?" said a voice. Claire turns. It is Gabi, Neil's sister.

"Hey Gabi. Yeah, he is right in there. You can go ahead. I am not sure if he is sleeping."

At hearing Gabi's voice, Neil turns his head almost immediately.
"Hey, kid!" he said.
"I missed you. Why did you not let us know? You could have died. The nurse said that you almost did." said Gabi.
Neil looked surprised, but then softened his expression.
"I nearly did, but I am okay now." "Can I give you a hug?" asked Gabi. "You do not need to ask."
Neil hugged her and tears started to pour down his face. But he tried to be silent so that Gabi does not hear. He looked up and saw Claire looking at him, crying too. She walked away, while Gabi sat and started talking to her brother. Meanwhile, his gaze was fixated upon the place where Claire was standing.

Claire stopped crying and tried to breathe again. She then remembered what she saw earlier and what she wanted to do once she saw it. Neil's blood type: O-negative, but she got too distracted and forgot.

She got tested to see if she could donate part of her liver to Neil. She knew the chances of her being a match were slim, but she took it anyway and asked for the results to be expedited.

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