The Reveal

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Neil was so nervous. As was Claire.
"Hey." said Neil.
"Hi." said Audrey.
"Need a consult on a patient? Right now?"
She pauses.
"Have a seat."
They nod.
"Thanks." said Claire.

"What can I do for you?"
Neil and Claire look at each other.
"We are in a relationship. We have been for some time now."
Audrey is stunned.
"Wow. Umm... I don't know what to say... Except that I saw this coming along for a while now."
"You did?" said Claire, frowning a little.
"Yeah. Especially after the favouritism complaint. I told Dr. Melendez that there was something uncomfortable we had to talk about. The two of you. He told me that I could leave and that there was nothing remotely inappropriate going on between the two of you. Except... I didn't even mention anything about having anything other than a professional relationship."
Neil was surprised. As was Claire. She was more shocked than surprised.
She exhales.
"How long have you been together?"
"A month." Claire said.
Audrey raised her eyebrows.
"And you two have been keeping this a secret, from everyone else?"
"Yeah." said Neil.
She nods.
"Hold on. So when I told you to apologise to Dr. Browne and take her back on your rotation, you were already together?"
Claire nods.
"The apology was a bit awkward, especially since he already apologised before."
Audrey nods.
"And that's why you have been keeping her off your service. Because of your relationship? You're afraid of displaying favouritism towards her?"
"Neil, if you're afraid of doing that then I think you might have to boot her off your service again."
"That'll break the team. Dr. Reznick has been in quite a mood because I booted Claire in the first place."

"Dr. Lim, I can assure you that myself and Dr. Melendez have been nothing but professional here at work." said Claire.
Audrey exhales.
"I know. The fact that I couldn't see it, shows how professional you have acted. I only thought he booted you off because of the transplant."
"Initially I did, but then when we became a couple, we both agreed that it would be best that way." said Neil.

"Well, you know what you got to do next."
Neil nods.
"Go separately to HR and tell them. Tomorrow morning. As much as I like seeing the two of you together, I don't think Jenny will enjoy it."
They nod.
"Good night." she said, gesturing that they may leave. They nod and say good night and leave. They enter the elevator.

Neil exhales and Claire sighs of relief.
They walked silently back to the residents' lounge and grab their bags and walk outside, approaching their cars.
"One more to go." said Claire.
Neil noticed that Claire seems unsettled.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, it's just... I am worried. Dr. Lim might agree, but what about Jenny?"
He exhales, stepping closer to her, holding her hand.
"Whatever happens, we'll overcome it. Together."
She nods.
"I'll go first." she said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. It's not going to be great if the team sees you're late. So rather let me be late."
He gives her a look.
"Fine. And if they ask why?"
"I overslept?"
He laughs.
"Even I find that hard to believe."
She smiles.
"Okay. Then... Maybe I couldn't find my car keys?"
"Now that I can believe."
She laughs.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." he said.
She nods. "Good night."

They leave.

The next day, Claire knocks on Jenny Waring's office door.
"Hey, Jenny."
Jenny looks very lethargic. Her tone is unenthusiastic.
"Hi, Dr. Browne. What can I do for you?"
"Umm... Can I come in?"
"Sure. Have a seat."
"Thank you."

"I'm...umm... I'm in a relationship with a senior colleague."
"Let me guess. Dr. Neil Melendez?"

Claire is shocked.
"How did you...?"
"I saw it coming, for a while now. I think a few other residents noticed as well. Except the two of you."
Claire raised her eyebrows. She exhales.
"What now?"
"Well, has he displayed any favouritism to you?"
"Did he force you into this relationship?"
"Definitely not." said Claire, raising her voice.
"Okay, Dr. Browne. Not need to get all worked up."
Claire calms herself. She takes a deep breath.
"Sorry. You're right. Please continue."
"Are you professional with Dr. Melendez at work?"
"Yes, always."
"Explains why no one knows." she mumbled.
"What?" said Claire.
"Do you intend to keep this relationship a secret from other staff?"
"Possibly, yes."
"That's all I had to ask. You may leave."
"Well, okay then. Enjoy the rest of your day."

She enters the residents' lounge.
"Dr. Browne. Thank you for finally joining us." said Dr. Melendez, as she interrupted them.
"Sorry." she said.
She listens as Dr. Melendez presents the case.

"Okay. Rounds. Let's go." Neil said.
He pretends as if he received a message on his phone and takes a look.
"I have to go. Dr. Andrews is looking for me."
They nod.

Dr. Melendez heads to Jenny's office once the team has entered the elevator.
He is asked the same questions, except for one.
"Are you two sleeping together?"
"No. We are taking it slow. No rush."
She exhales.
"I hate it when attendings and residents end up together. But you guys are different, so I will approve your relationship. Just keep it professional here, at the hospital."
He is surprised and widened his eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
She nodded.
He exhales.
"Thank you." He walks to the door.
"Also, what took you guys so long?" she mumbled, getting back to her work.
"Excuse me?"
"Good day, Dr. Melendez."
He nods and leaves.

He finds Claire and everyone else in the room.
Claire gives him a look. He knows that she wants to know if they are approved. He tells her something quickly. It is about his answers and Jenny's comment about them being together. She listens and then smiles.
"Why are you whispering?" said Shaun.
"Sorry." said Claire.
Neil exhaled.
"Okay. So... Umm... I have something to tell you." said Neil, looking at Claire.
"We're all ears." said Morgan.

"Dr. Browne and I are in a relationship." he said.
Morgan's jaw dropped to the floor.
"What? You're the one who gave Claire the bracelet?"
He nods.
"I saw this coming." said Shaun.
"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Claire mumbled. It was only loud enough for Neil to hear.
"What do you mean?" said Alex.
"When we were first years, Claire once flirted with Dr. Melendez. I was making a note of it. And then this year, she started being more friendly with each other. Almost too friendly."
Morgan stares at Claire.
"Well, then I'd say it's about time." said Alex.
Morgan was not too impressed.
"We were hoping you would keep this a secret. We don't want everyone else to know just yet." said Claire.
"Okay." said Shaun.
"Yeah, we won't tell." said Alex.
"Morgan?" said Neil.
She gave them a look.
"Fine. But if you're out of line with her, you're in trouble." she said, sternly.
Neil looked at her. He exhaled.
"I will let that comment slide. Just this once. And I won't be out of line with her."
He winks at Claire. She smiles.

"Okay. Now that that's out of the way.. Park, Murphy. You're with Andrews today. Browne, Reznick. You're with me."
They nod. Shaun and Alex leave and meet with Dr. Andrews in the E.R.

"So you guys told Dr. Lim and HR already?" asked Morgan.
"Yeah. We thought it would be complicated, but it was easier than we thought it was going to be." said Claire.
"So that's why you came late?"
Claire nodded.

"Well, getting back to business, we have a surgery to get to."
"I am going to have to get used to the idea of you two being together, but honestly, everyone..."
"Saw it coming and it's about time." said Neil and Claire.
They smiled.

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