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"Do we really have to go to work tomorrow? Can't we have one more day? Just to ourselves." Claire sulked.
Neil chuckled at her expression, shaking his head.
"We just got back from a two week stay in Portugal yesterday and stayed at home today."
Claire rolled her eyes.
"Although, that's not a bad idea. We could just call in sick and stay in bed, like this. All day long."
She laughed.
"That would be too suspicious. Both of us, not pitching up at work? Dr. Melendez, did you forget that your wife is still your resident?" she said, tracing her hand across Neil's chest.
Neil chuckled.
"No, but a guy can dream."
Claire's jaw drops.
Neil laughs.
He catches her hand and pulls her closer to him. "I really wish that you weren't, cause then we could let our guard down. Just a bit."
"Dr. Melendez!"
Neil smiled and pulled Claire closer and kissed her passionately.
He pulled away and then whispered.
"Also, you wouldn't want to miss out on a lead surgery, with me as your attending now, would you?"
Claire gasps, widening her eyes.
Neil then smiles and nods.
"Audrey told me yesterday. I thought I'd keep it as a surprise. Triple bypass."
She smiles and moves to kiss him.
He puts his arms around, tightening their embrace.

The next day, Claire and Neil arrive at work together. Alex, Shaun and Morgan are in the residents' lounge.

"Welcome back!" said Morgan.
"Thanks." said Neil.
Claire smiled.
"How was Portugal?" asked Shaun.
"It was lovely. Especially the scenery." said Claire.
Morgan widens her eyes and tilts her head.
"Cause you got to wake up next to Dr. Melendez every morning? Bet you loved that view. Waking up to seeing his face every single day."
Shaun and Alex stared at Neil amd Claire.
Neil tilted his head, looking at Claire, raising his eyebrows.
Claire chuckles.
"I think it's time for rounds." interrupted Neil.
"And someone has to get ready for their surgery soon." said Alex.
"Congratulations, Claire." said Shaun.
She smiled and nodded.
They made their way out of the lounge and towards their patients.

Later, Claire enters the OR.

"10-blade." said Claire.
Neil watches her, intently as Nurse Petringa hands her the blade.
"Bovie and Cooley clamp."
Claire exhales.
"Okay. Dr. Reznick, can you clamp the aorta?"
"Yes, Dr. Browne."
"I'll proceed to the left anterior descending artery, while you work on the..."
The monitors start beeping.
"She's haemorrhaging and tachycardic. Suction." said Dr. Reznick.
"Sponge on a stick and laps." said Dr. Browne.
Neil became anxious, but he continued watching.
"I can't find the source of the bleed."
Neil takes a closer look and puts his hand in the patient's heart, blocking the artery with his finger and brushing his hand against Claire's.
"She's stable." said Morgan.
Claire exhales.
"It's okay, Dr. Browne. It happens." said Neil.
Claire exhales.

"Can we see the pre-op scans, please?" asked Dr. Browne.
All of them look closer.
Neil points out.
"Is that an aneurysm?" said Claire.
"We must've missed it because it was too small and looks like a shadow." said Dr. Melendez.
Claire exhales as she clamps the ruptured artery.
Neil gives her a reassuring look and she smiles and nods.

"Good work, Dr. Browne." said Dr. Melendez.
"Thank you, Dr. Melendez." she said.
Morgan smiles at her.
"Dr. Reznick, please close up."
Neil watches Claire as she leaves the OR.
Claire turns around.
"Good job, everyone."
They nod and she leaves.

Neil sees Claire in the lounge.
"You ready to go?"
She nods and drops her head in her hands.
He walks towards her and puts his hand on her shoulder.
"None of us could have known that she had an aneurysm. But we stopped it together. She's alive and in recovery, Claire."
Claire exhales and nods.
"You're right."
He extends his hand.
"Let's go home, Dr. Browne. Or should I say Mrs. Browne-Melendez?"
She laughs.
"Okay, Mr. Melendez."
She rises and he places a kiss on her forehead.
They leave the lounge, hand in hand and head home.

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