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Neil and Claire turned to Morgan.
"What do you mean?"

"The bracelet. There's no way Kayla would leave you something that expensive...Unless... You got it from Dash?!"

Neil raises his eyebrows at Claire. She looks at him, and then back at Morgan.
"Well, you definitely did not get that from Kayla."
Claire sighs.
"Fine. I will drop it, but I will find out eventually."
Claire shakes her head.

"Let's see to our patient, shall we?"

Morgan goes first. Claire talks to Neil before seeing the patient.

"Really? You got me something that was so expensive it would raise questions?"
"I didn't think you'd mind. I never knew it would lead to questions."
"Well, with Morgan, the expert, how did it not cross your mind?"
He sighs.
"I am sorry."
She looked at him as he walked ahead of her. She followed.

They eventually went up to the residents' lounge and discussed the surgical procedure.
Dr. Melendez went back to his office, while Dr. Browne and Dr. Reznick came up a surgical procedure.

"Come on."
"What?" Claire asked.
Morgan looked at the bracelet.
"I told you already. You chose not believe it. That is your own problem."

"So? Any ideas?" asked Dr. Melendez.
Morgan shook her head.
"Dr. Browne."
"I might have one, but I need to do more research."
He nods. "Okay. Let me know once you're done."
She nods.
"I am going to step out real quick. Check on Shaun and Alex."
Claire nods.
Morgan's eyes are fixated on the bracelet.
Claire feels her staring.
"Morgan!" said Claire, raising her voice.
"Okay. I am leaving. Actually, I think I will call it a night."

Neil laughs.
"Still fishing?"
"I really didn't think this would be an issue."
Claire sighs.
"Had I known how expensive it was, I never would have worn it to work. Only when I am with you."
Neil smirks.
"I am sorry too. For kind of going off at you."
"You weren't wrong."

He sighs.

"I think we might have to talk to Dr. Lim and HR." They both said.
Neil raises his eyebrows.
"You thought the same thing?" Claire asked.
"Yeah. I know we can act professional here at work, but Morgan... She is unpredictable, but she always catches onto things."
"She always does. First, it was the favouritism complaint. Who knows what could be next?"
He nods.

Just then Morgan came back in.
"I brainstormed while I was out."
"That was quick." Dr. Melendez said, surprised.
They listen to her idea and Claire suggested something as well in addition to Morgan's idea, to reduce complications.
Dr. Melendez nods.

"Nice work."
"Thank you, Dr. Melendez." said Morgan.
He nods.
Claire and Morgan walk out and prep the patient while Dr. Melendez heads to the OR.

In the OR...
"Bovie." Dr. Melendez said.
Dr. Browne hands it to him.
He stops.
Dr. Browne stares at the patient.
"Is that Ebstein's anomaly?" asked Dr. Reznick.
He nods.
"This is going to be more difficult than we had thought." He sighs.
"Forceps." Dr. Reznick hands him the forceps.
"Suction, Dr. Browne."
She nods and complies.

A constant beeping is heard. Dr. Reznick looks at their patient's vitals.
"Her O2 sats. They're dropping."
"I know. She's hemorrhaging."
"Laps." said Dr. Reznick.
"Suture. 9-0 prolene." said Dr. Browne, handing it to Dr. Melendez.
"Cut." he said.
She cuts.

The beeping slows down until it stops.
Dr. Melendez sighs of relief.
"Okay. Moving on."
A few minutes later...
"Claire, why can't you just tell the truth?"
"Is this still about the bracelet? Why does it matter? Don't you have anything else that interests you, besides my love life?"
Neil looks at Claire.
Morgan raises her eyebrows.
"So...You admit that there is someone."
"Dr. Reznick, can we focus on our patient and not on Dr. Browne's love life?"
"Sure." she said.

She added. "But don't you want to know what is happening in her life?"
Neil looks at Claire and then back at Morgan.
"Well, Dr. Browne clearly wants to keep her private life exactly like it is. Private, so if she doesn't want to share, I understand. And so should you."
Morgan kept quiet.

The surgery ended as a success. Sighs of relief were heard throughout the room.

"Dr. Reznick. Mind closing up?" Dr. Melendez asked.
"Not at all." She smiles behind her mask.
Claire hands her the suture and helps her close up.

They finish and head back to the residents' lounge.
"Look, I am sorry. I shouldn't try to pry. I was just curious."
"I get it."
She smiles at Claire.
"I would invite you for a drink, but you probably have a date."
Claire shakes her head.
"You just said you shouldn't pry."
"And I'm not prying. I didn't ask. Anyways, see you tomorrow." said Morgan.
"See you."
Claire picks up her stuff and is about to leave.

Neil walks towards her.
He sighs.
He looks at her and she knows that look.
She takes a deep breath and they walk together.

They exit and walk down the corridor. He places a kiss on her forehead and looks at her before taking her hand his. They stop and let go of each other's hands. Neil knocks on a door and he opens it, letting Claire enter first.
He closes the door behind him.

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