A Day With You

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Seven months later....

Neil and Claire have managed to keep their relationship under wraps from the rest of the staff. Not even Morgan said anything.

Claire is on Neil's rotation today. Along with Alex. They are in the OR, doing a double coronary bypass surgery.

Claire hands him the bovie.
"I need..." Claire suctions the blood.
He looks at her.
"Thank you, Dr. Browne."
She smiles.

A while later...
"Any one have any plans for the holidays?" asked JL.
"Yeah." said Nurse Fletch.
"I am going home to Arizona to visit my family. It's been while since I last saw them."
JL nods.
Dr. Melendez nods. "Nice."
He looks at JL.
"Me? I am just going to be here, as usual."
"Wait. As in at the hospital?" asked Dr. Browne.
"No. I'll be in San Jose. Not going anywhere."
She nods.
"Dr. Park, I assume you'll also be back in Phoenix?" said Dr. Melendez.
"Yeah. I am excited to see Kellan."
Dr. Melendez nods.

The nurses look at Dr. Melendez.
"No plans?" asked Nurse Petringa.
"Oh.. Umm...I'll most likely spend Christmas with my sister, here in San Jose."
They stare at him as he continues with the surgery.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" asked Nurse Fletch.

He looked at her while Claire stared at him.
"Sorry. I was just asking."
He nods.
"It's okay. Umm... I do have one."
He chuckles.
"Ooh. Why don't you spend Christmas with her?" asked JL.
"I don't know. I haven't asked her yet." He looks at Claire as she asks for a retractor.
"You're with Dr. Browne, aren't you." said Nurse Petringa, as she noticed the two exchanging looks. The other nurses look at him.
Neil and Claire stare at each other. Alex just looked at them.
"Let's focus on the surgery." he said to Nurse Petringa. He looked back at the surgical area and smiled.
"Knew it." she said.
He shakes his head. Claire feels unsettled.
"Well, it's about time." said JL, as she checks the patient's vitals.
"We have been waiting for the last year and a half to see you guys get together. We even made bets. Which reminds me, Nurse Petringa and I win."
"You placed bets on us?" said Dr. Browne.
"Yeah. You should've seen yourselves around each other."
Dr. Melendez looks at Dr. Browne and they just chuckled.
"See, I am not the only one who has been seeing things." said Alex to Claire.
She gave him a look while Neil smiled.
"You guys make a good couple." said JL.
"Thanks." said Dr. Melendez, shyly. He clears his throat.
"Let's continue."

The surgery ends.
"Dr. Browne and Dr. Park, please close up."
They nod.
Dr. Melendez notices that Claire seems uneasy.
"Dr. Browne, can I talk to you for a second?"
She nods.
The nurses try to eavesdrop.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." she tries to convince herself and Neil.
He gives her a look, crossing his arms and tilting his head.
She sighs.
"It's just that... I feel worried. What if the rest of the hospital finds out?"
He exhales.
"Well, if they do, we'll handle it. Together."
She exhales and nods.
"Good work today." he said, loudly to everyone.

"You good?" asked JL.
She nods.
"So how long?" asked Nurse Fletch.
"About eight months." said Dr. Browne.
"And you managed to keep it from everyone? I'm impressed." said JL.
"Well, the residents, Chief Lim and HR knew a month into our relationship."
"Why are we only finding out now?" said JL.
She smiled.
"We were worried about what everyone would think. Well, mostly I was worried."
"You shouldn't be. They all know that you're a resident who does her job well. You got the first lead surgery because of Dr. Lim. You nearly lost it, but Dr. Melendez convinced the guardian because you care for patients. You cared for Michelle. And you just happened to fall in love with your boss after that. Relax. We got your back." said Nurse Petringa.
The other nurses nodded.
Claire smiles. "Thanks. That means a lot. Really."
She winks at Claire.
They finish up and Claire and Alex leave the OR.

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