Brighten My Day

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The wait was killing her. She just wanted to see the results. Her blood type matched, but that does not mean she would be completely compatible.

"Dr. Browne. Your results." said one of the lab assistants.

She made her way to the locker room before opening the envelope.

She took a deep breath and opened it.

She was a match!

She rubbed her eyes and pinched herslef to make sure that this was really happening. She could save the person that saved her, countless times.

Claire walked towards Neil's room, but she knew that Neil might say no. He would not want her to endanger herself, especially since she nearly lost him. This? This would mean that he could possibly lose her. She knows the risks of being a donor. They are always higher than the recipient's.

She paused and made a detour to Dr. Lim's office.

"Dr. Lim? Are you busy?"

Dr. Lim replied: "No. What is this about? How is Dr. Melendez?"

Claire replied: "That's the thing. It's about Dr. Melendez."
She raises her hand to stop Audrey from saying a word.
"He is okay and is with his sister. We have a match."

Dr. Lim was relieved and yet surprised.
"A living donor? Are you sure?"

Claire nodded.
"Yes, but he cannot know who it is."

"It is not Gabi, is it?" asked Dr. Lim.

"It's... Umm..." stammered Claire, fidgeting a bit.

Audrey sighed and tilted her head, gesturing for an answer.
"Dr Browne, we do not have time for--"

"-- It's me." interrupted Dr Browne.

Dr. Lim was surprised. She crossed her arms. "Are you serious? When did you find out?"

"Just now. I came here first."
She hands the results to Dr. Lim.

Dr. Lim pauses for a few seconds.

"Okay. We'll do the surgery. I will try my best to make sure that he does not find out. I think we can do it tomorrow."

"Great. Thanks." Claire exits and makes her way to Neil's room. Again.

"See you, Gabi. Love you." said Neil. "Love you too. Bye, Neil." said Gabi.

"Hey Gabi. Thanks for coming by today. You really cheered him up." said Claire.

"We had fun, even though we just talked and laughed." said Gabi.
Gabi and Claire walk away from the room.

"Well, I am glad to see him smiling." said Claire.
She continued. "Gabi, we are going to put a new liver into Neil tomorrow. He does not know yet, but I am about to tell him."

"Will he be okay afterwards?"Gabi asked.

"We will not know until he wakes up from the surgery and once we observe him for a while, we will know. But we can hope." said Claire, rubbing her arm.

"Okay. Thank you, Claire. See you."

"Bye." said Claire.

She walked back to Neil's room and sees Audrey about to enter his room.

"You ready?" she asked Claire.

Claire nods.

"Hey." said Neil.

"We got a liver." said Audrey, excited.

Neil tries sits upright and Claire helps him up.

He looks at Claire. "Is she..."

"Serious?" said Claire, finishing his sentence. She nods.

Neil's face brightens up, just a bit.

"When is the surgery scheduled for?" he asked.

"Tomorrow morning." said Claire.

"Thank you. Both of you." said Neil.

"Just doing our job. You would have done the same had it been one of us." said Audrey.

"Anyways, I have some paperwork to do and another surgery to get to so I have to get going. Claire, are you staying here, again?" said Audrey.

Claire and Neil look at each other and then at Audrey, surprised.

"I guess", she replied.

"Well, you should", said Audrey.
She departs.

"How did you manage to get a match in such a short time? It is incredible, almost as incredible as your makeshift transfusion machine." said Neil.

Claire smiles, reminding herself of the compliment that Neil had given earlier. "Get some rest."

"Why should I, if I am going to be asleep all morning tomorrow?" he said.

Claire rolls her eyes and he holds her hand.

He gestures that she lie next to him. She is hesitant and says no, as the staff will see them and she does not want that to happen. He accepts her answer and he holds her hand as she lies her head on his chest, once again.

She falls asleep and he calls Nurse Villanueva.

He whispers softly: "Can you move her next to me?" She frowns with confusion, but slowly nods and Claire now lies next to him until the morning. He holds her hand and falls asleep.

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