Chapter 39: Fighting in Flight

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Was he back at Berk? There was so much fire, so many screaming Vikings, so many... dead. "Uh guys, that mountain is moving! Why is that mountain moving?" Exclaimed Snotlout pointing towards what appeared to be a colossal lumbering mountain shuffling its way across the beach. "That's not a mountain Snotlout." Hiccup said breath taken at his first sight of it. "It's the queen." Astrid said, even she sounded taken aback by its stature. "You didn't say it was that big!" Snotlout yelled pulling back on his Monstrous Nightmares horns trying to get it to fly back into the fog. "I didn't know it was that big!" He said the memories when he had first seen it with Toothless flashing before his eyes. With... Toothless. Toothless. Hiccup blinked pulling himself out of his thoughts and back to reality.

"Here!" Hiccup heard a deep and gruff voice yell. A laugh followed it. "Oh no, here!" Hiccup scanned the beach for a moment before he saw them, his dad and Gobber running straight towards the queen. "What are they doing?" Asked Astrid. Hiccup looked at all the Vikings running down the beach. "There buying them time." He said. "But they'll be killed." Fishlegs yelled stating the obvious. Down on the beach his father plucked a spike from the rocky floor and hurled it up hitting the dragon in the side of the head drawing its attention. "Common, fight me!" Exclaimed Gobber drawing the dragons attention away from his father. "No, me!" Commanded his father. The queen reeled back on its hind legs and opened its mouth. "Go, go, go, go!" Hiccup yelled and they flew into combat the Nadder sending a deadly magnesium blast into the back on the queens neck disarming its attack.

"Ruff, Tuff watch your backs!" Hiccup said as they all swooped past the queens head. "Move Fighlegs!" He yelled as he noticed him and his Groncel falling behind in the group. "Look at us where on dragons." Exclaimed Tuffnut to the gathering crowd of Vikings below. "Where on dragons all of us." He continued to say. "Lout, Legs hang in it's blind spot makes some noice keep it confused. Ruff, Tuff find out if it has a shot limit, make it mad." He said and the twins looked at him excitedly. "That's my specialty." Ruffnut said. "Since when?" He brother interjected "everyone knows I'm more irritating see." He flipped his head of his dragon upside down and started making similar noises that a child might make.

"Just do what I told you, I'll be back as soon as I can." Hiccup said turning away from the others and angling the Nadder for the burning ships docked at the shore. His eyes scanned the burning ships for Toothless panic for his friend coursing through his veins. A desperate dragon cry drew his attention and he saw him, chained to one of the burning ships. "There." He said and he turned the Nadder for the ships.  Hiccup got up and stood on the back of the Nadder and as they approached the ship holding Toothless. And when they were above it he jumped down onto the deck immediately being surrounded by hungry flames quickly devouring the ship around them. "Go help the others." Hiccup told Astrid but she hesitated. "Go." He said and he wasn't even sure if she could hear him over the crackling flames but she nodded and then left.

"Okay hold on, hold on." He said reassuringly pulling a muzzle from Toothless's head. Hiccup picked up a piece of medal beside him and wedged it under a piece of the chains around Toothless but it still wouldn't budge. He probably should have come up with a better plan for getting this off. "Snotlout do something!" He heard Fishlegs cry out and then a few moments later he heard Snotlout yell as if he was falling. The queens tail collided with the side of the ship knocking down the mast nearly crushing Hiccup but he was able to dodge by only a few inches. The light around Hiccup and Toothless dimmed and he looked up and saw the queens foot above him. Suddenly the floor that had been beneath his feet disappeared and he was encased in water. He heard Toothless muffled cry and he saw him sink to the bottom still chained up.

Hiccup dove for his dragon, going deeper and deeper until they both reached the sea floor. He pulled on the chains and pulled on the hinges trying frantically to free Toothless but it wouldn't work. Hiccup could feel him running out of breath and he couldn't see as well. Hiccup pulled on the chains a final time but without the energy his hands released and he floated at the bottom of the water for a moment. Until something wrapped around his waist pulling him up and onto the shore. It was his dad. "Dad?" He asked in a deep haze his head buzzing with pain. His father dove back down beneath the waves, but why? Hiccup laid there on his side, filling his lungs with air watching the waves crash onto the shore. There was commotion behind him, the sound of the queens thunderous steps and her friends yelling. Even though he couldn't quite make out what they were saying, he knew it couldn't be good. Hiccup brought himself to his feet almost loosing his balance and falling back down in the process but he managed.

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