Lock, Shock and Barrel

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In the tallest spooky treehouse, there lives the three pranksters.



And Barrel.

They were not happy still over the Addams kids.

Shock vented. "I'm getting tired of being cooped up in this place!"

Lock and Barrel agreed.

She suggested in mischief. "I think this calls for more than drastic measures."

The boys wondered. "Like what?!"

Shock told them. "Jack still has the spellbook from Gracey Manor right?"

Lock and Barrel was muddled. "Right...?"

The boy in a devil costume gets it. "Hold on...You're thinking of robbing HIS house are ya?"

Barrel pitches in. "We're going to have the witches' gathering for payback!"

They giggled sinisterly.

Shock declared. "We should work together."

Barrel shouted. "Three of a kind!"

Lock yell out. "Birds of the feather!"

They exclaimed in unison. "Now and forever! Weeee!"


The Pumpkin King's door bell ring. The door got opened by Jack Skellington. He did not expect the little group.

The boy takes off the devil's mask. "Lock."

The girl removes her witch's mask. "Shock."

The other boy removed his skeleton mask. "Barrel."

The Pumpkin King spoke sarcastically. "I might have known you three."

Lock said. "We're just visiting, Jack."

Shock also said. "How's your morning, Jack?"

And Barrel said too. "Any plans for tonight, Jack?"

The Pumpkin King do not like their little tricks. He ignored the pranksters' play of innocence. "What are you REALLY indicating here you three?"

The tricksters became confused. Shock spoke in clarification.

"Hey, we are over about playing tricks on anybody."

Lock pleaded. "It was all fun. We have no hint of upsetting anyone."

Barrel utters. "We really did learn our painful lessons. Honest."

Jack sighed. The Pumpkin King still act stern yet comforting. "If you three do get the fact that your prankish games are far behind...There is one way that you kids could do for me."

The trick-or-treaters became curious. "What, Jack?! What?!"


Lock, Shock and Barrel are inside the pumpkin king's house. They just stared at Jack.

Sally, Zero and Binx do not like the idea of having them around.

Jack said sternly at the tricksters. "The only way you three would prove me that you've changed...is to watch over these cursed objects."

The Pumpkin King shows them the spellbook and hourglass.

Shock was bewildered. "You mean there's more than one cursed item, Jack?"

The Pumpkin King nodded. He strongly told her. "The book and the hourglass are dangerous. No matter how curious you are, stay out of them."

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