The Sanderson Sisters

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The three pranksters are riding in a bathtub. The moving white bathtub. It's like a monster possessed the bathroom furniture.

Barrel holds onto the spellbook and hourglass. Lock and Shock makes a conversation. They wandered about their next move. Barrel said nothing. The girl in a witch costume speaks.

"We're doing this! We're finally doing this, Lock!"

The boy in a devil costume was excited too. "I know! I know, Shock!"

Shock mentioned. "Think the Sanderson sisters will bring back Oogie would be a great idea..."

Lock strongly agrees. "Right?!"

"We should get back the Sanderson witches someplace else?"

"Wait, why?!"

"Don't you get it, silly! Jack beat Oogie Boogie in our hideout. We need a new location."

"Yeah! Somewhere that will give every soul a nightmare...which it can't go away forever!"

"Oooh! I know one where we can stay hidden from everyone!"


The white bathtub stops in front of the dark gray gothic mausoleum. It was near the Spiral Hill Graveyard.

The three little tricksters were inside a scary place.

One detail to add about the gothic mausoleum though. The whole horror place was full of spiders. The cobwebs are everywhere. On the coffins. The corners of the areas. The big spiders don't care about mischievous pranksters. Another concept for the terror of a mausoleum. It was the serious working of the devil.

The witch's gathering is more like it.

They ended up in one huge area. The tricksters are in the underground tomb.

The tomb of the mausoleum.

Lock, Shock and Barrel are together in the center of the spot.

She ordered the boy in a skeleton costume. "Hand over the book and hourglass, Barrel."

He did not do as she told him to.

Barrel drops the spellbook. He reacted so childish. "I cannot meet the Sanderson sisters like this! It's not right!"

Shock argued. "We're only doing it to get Oogie Boogie back!"

Lock exclaimed. "Yeah! Don't be a scaredy-cat!"

Barrel argues back. "They'll take our lives if we bring them out of their graves!"

Shock became irritated. "Oh shut up and give me that hourglass!"

She grabbed it. Lock attempts to help her. Barrel tries to fight back. They argued and fight. Argued and fight. Argued and fight foolishly.

Shock did her rash move. She flipped her cohorts over. Lock and Barrel got landed hard. They are sore.

She exclaimed it. Showing the gothic hourglass. "You boys are such dum-dums! We're getting Oogie back when you liked it or not!"

Lock and Barrel looked overwhelmed.

Shock was mystified. "What?!"

The boy in a skeleton costume points. "The hourglass..."

The three pranksters saw it. The time of the Black Sand Hourglass just started. The bottom of an hourglass is building sands a little.

They heard the disturbance. Barrel covers his eyes. Lock got afraid.

She mouthed in a stun. "Uh oh."

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