A New Premonition

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Note: There's going to be the end of the deranged trick-or-treaters. Oh no...

Jack had to leave the Gracey Manor. Sally and Zero followed him.

They hurried thru the Hinterlands.

The Pumpkin King urged them. "Come on! The Sandersons has to be stopped before it's too late!"

She felt pathetic for him. "I know this wasn't suppose to happen but it's not your fault. You didn't know they are going to use it for something else."

Jack was taking things harder. "I should have listened to Binx! He was right all along!"

The black cat appeared out of nowhere. He meowed. The Pumpkin King halts. So did the ragdoll and a ghost dog.

Binx was furious. "Lock, Shock and Barrel tricked us! I'm too concerned to be mad at you, Jack!"

The Pumpkin King was not persuaded. "No. You were right. Forgive me for not taking your warning seriously!"

The black cat shakes himself. "We'll apologize each other later."

Binx added in certain. "I know where they are! There is dark magic pass the graveyard!"

Jack commands him. "Lead me to someplace where the black magic is!"

The black cat ran forth.

They traced after Binx.


It's unbelievable as the happening at the mausoleum.

The pranksters are helping the Sanderson sisters.

Lock, Shock and Barrel gathers some things from their hideout. The cauldron. The empty bottles. The huge wooden spoon. And the ingredients for the potion.

She asked Winifred. "What about Oogie?"

The green witch replied. "Not to worry, Shock. Me and my sisters have just accomplished your request while doing errands for us."

The tricksters were shocked. "What?!"

Lock pleads. "Where is he?!"

Barrel asked curiously. "Where?! Where?!"

Mary answers for Winifred. "Calm down, children. Your master is resting for an hour. He's just exhausted is all."

The pranksters were relieved.

Mary had a suggestion. "Why don't you three formed a calming circle?"

Shock don't get it. "A calming circle?"

Mary nodded her head. "Yes, yes." She added, directing them. "Just make yourself into round shape. Come on. Come on."

Lock, Shock and Barrel did as she told them. They liked it.

Winifred had the spellbook in front of her. She placed it on the crypt. Winifred raised her hands in exclaim. "Tis time!"

The spellbook opens itself. The pages flips quickly. It stopped at the recipe of one potion. The only one she uses all the time.

Mary and Sarah are ready to make a dangerous potion.

Winifred reads out the instructions.

"Bring to a full rolling bubble.
Add two drops oil of boil.
Mix the blood of owl
with the herb that's red.
Turn three times.
Pluck a hair from my head."

Winifred plucked her string of her. Mary took it.

Winifred resumed reading.

"Add a dash of pox and the dead man's toe. Definitely best for the flesh one!"

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