The Seance Room of Gracey Manor

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Varian and Kiera catches their breath from running. She commented. "I don't like zombies."


The alchemist goes positive. "At least we got a best thing to protect us from the witches."

Kiera raised her eyebrow. "A condiment for cooking."

Varian clarified. He faced her. "The condiment is salt. Dr. Finkelstein told me if I form a circle of salt, it will be our protection from the evil witches."

She remarked. "That creepy doctor better be right about that." Kiera slightly smile.

The alchemist smiled back.

They turned to the creaks.

The Gracey Manor gates has been opened.

Varian glimpsed a recognition. "Look, there's a graveyard in the backyard. Maybe that's hallowed ground too."

She said in uncertainty. "I hope you're right about this."

They entered the gates of the Haunted Mansion.

They walked forward straight. Trying to ignore what gives them bone-chills.

They have a courage to be at the front door. The alchemist knocks three times at the entrance.

The door opens itself.

They encountered a butler.

"Good evening, fellow travelers. May I help you for your visit?"

It was Dom.

Varian pleads. "If you please, sir. We just want to stay out of the evil witches' way. They're pursuing us."

The butler clarified in bewildered. "The Sanderson sisters?"

The alchemist nodded pathetically.

Dom sighed. He was feeling sorry for them. The butler reassured. "If you both like to come inside, there is someone here before your arrival."

Kiera was anxious. "Have you Catalina? She's my sister."

Dom told her. "I'll have Ruby take you two to her. She's in the library."

The butler escorts them. They hurried inside of the Gracey Manor.


Jack and Sally paces themselves in the Hinterlands. The Pumpkin King was mystified. "How could Dr. Finkelstein let them go like this?"

The ragdoll was not sure. "I don't know, Jack."

The Pumpkin King became almost lost his skull.

"They should have stay put like I told them too. If anything happens to Varian, I do not know what to do of myself."

They halted. And close to the Haunted Mansion.

Sally comforts skeleton. "He's a smart kid, Jack. Varian knows the Sanderson witches are at Halloween Town."

Jack does not get it. "But why didn't you stop them? Like how you try to stop ME for taking over Xmas?"

The ragdoll clarifies to him. "Varian and I made the soup together. Back in Dr. Finkelstein's Laboratory. If the Sanderson sisters get there..."

The Pumpkin King opens his eyes. The skeleton discerned. "Then they'll fall asleep after tasting YOUR soup. This is really wonderful!"

Jack tells her. "Let's go to Gracey Manor! I have to see if Varian and Kiera are safe."

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