Xmas Day

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The citizens of Halloween Town are asleep on Xmas morning. Now that the Sanderson witches are gone. The curses they brought have disappeared too.

In Jack Skellington's house, Kiera and Catalina naps with Sally on her bed. Close to the fireplace.

Zero snoozes in his bucket (dogbed).

Jack and Varian are cuddling on the Pumpkin King's cot. They stared at the ceiling. Their conversation between the two are comforting. Jack begins to talk with him.

"We haven't slept for an entire night."
"Heh. I had times that I can't sleep."
"Dr. Finkelstein is like that. If it wasn't for Sally's tea and soup. He would not catch his breaks."
"My dad always put me in bed a lot. I have fallen asleep in the middle of my experiments. On my working desk. I knew it was him. Cause I woke up on my bed the next morning."
"Your father loves you. He has been taken care of you often."
"Yeah. He does..."
"Your friends must be missing you. Ruddiger. Pascal. Maximus. Fidella. Eugene. And Rapunzel too."
"Heh, let's not forget Cassandra."
"Right. She journeys to find her destiny out somewhere, right?"
"Yes. She'll be back."
"How's that?"
"I don't know if she'll return. I just believe she will."
"That's a good wishful thinking here."
"Jack...That song you sang...Back in the Spiral Hill Graveyard..."
"Yes, Varian?"
"It's the healing incantation."
"The what?"
"The healing incantation. It came from the power of a sundrop flower. Rapunzel used to possessed that. She sings it when her hair was so long. And golden blond. Eugene mentions that her hair glows when she sang."
"Does she still have that magic hair of hers? The healing incantation I mean?"
"No. He cut it to save her from the tower. Someone kept Rapunzel there since she was a baby."
"How horrible. At least they're okay."
"Yeah. Then how did you hear that incantation? The only way I know it was in the Demanitus scroll."
"I don't know...A voice from the woman sang it. I just sing that incantation...For some unexpected result...It saves you."

Varian closed his eyes. The alchemist cuddled the skeleton. Varian sounded gratified. "Thank you, Jack. Merry Christmas."

The Pumpkin King embraces him back. Jack sensed his warm. The skeleton shut his sight. "No worry. You're surely welcome. Merry Xmas, Varian."

They soon slumbers for a long nap.


It was nearly noon by two hours.

The Pumpkin King sprints into the Halloween Town plaza. The skeleton was heading to the Witches' Shop.

Jack exclaimed to the cauldron. "Madame Leota, can hear you me?!"

The filled cauldron brings the mist. It swirls and twirls around the surface. The gypsy's face from Gracey Manor appears. She seems cooled.

"If it's the alchemist named Varian, he is back in Old Corona."

The Pumpkin King became bewildered. "What?"

Madame Leota revealed to Jack about what happened to his dear friend.

Trapped in a nightmare
His father stayed with him
The feeling he cannot bare
All the sudden, his eyes lid
The smiles across their faces
Magic and love shows
The heart is back in places
That is what I knows

Varian and his father embraced each other. Together again, they really do missed each other.

The Pumpkin King was happy for the alchemist.

Sally came to the skeleton. "Jack, the girls are gone."

The Pumpkin King encountered the ragdoll. "Sally, if they are not at my house, it means that they wake up from the nightmare."

The ragdoll wondered. "How did you know?"

Jack clarified. "I had to check on Varian. He's back with his father again."

Sally sees it clearly. "Maybe Kiera and Catalina are awake up. Back with their father."

The Pumpkin King was confused. "What?"

The ragdoll tells him. "They have been adopted by Lance Strongbow. They are happy with him."

Jack smiles at Sally. "I love you my dearest sweetheart."

The ragdoll replies back at the skeleton. "I love you too my Pumpkin King."

They closed their eyes and kissed.

They let go of their lips.

Jack declares. "Let's get married on the next winter solstice. We can do it here or at Gracey Manor. Whichever works for us."

Sally loved it. "That's a good concept. We should tell the town when they're full awake."

The Pumpkin King got enthusiastic. "Absolutely! When that occurs, I'll announce everyone at the town hall for our wedding date."

Jack Skellington elevates both bony hands in the air. "Eureka! Next year...We're going to have 'The Nightmare Before Xmas' WEDDING!"

The whole townsfolk of Halloween Town applauded. Cheers and whistles.

They are excited already for another year to happen.

The wedding of Jack Skellington and Sally Finkelstein.


The mystifying things that I may have need mentioning.

The Sanderson sisters did snatched the spellbook and hourglass from Dr. Finkelstein's Laboratory.

For where they left them...

Back in Salem, Massachusetts.

Let me clarify.

Before they encountered the characters in the Spiral Hill Graveyard...

The Sanderson witches hid both of them at the abandoned house. By abandoned meaning haunted.

18 years later on Halloween night (2022), the trio of girls broke in the abandoned house.

They don't know what consequences they have...

If they brought the witches back from the grave...

That's the end of this fan fiction. For the three girls on Halloween night. There's going to be a sequel of Hocus Pocus next year. For Jack and Sally's wedding, it's going to be a short story. I don't know when yet. And I'm thinking. I may write more Disney fan-fictions in the future. Something different. Thank you for reading, readers! Happy Thanksgiving! ^_^

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