Ch. 48 - Decisions

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"Nino, you already chose a present for Fuutarou on you own? Why haven't you bring us too? We would've been able to find something for him." Miku was asking her older sister while making their way to school.

"I was on a date with Y/N... you would only be in our way." The girl revealed with a grin.

"What?! Y/N, you went on a date with Nino?!" Yotsuba was taken aback, questioning the boy.

"Yes, it was a breathtaking experience... In the wrong way." The hero huffed.

"..." Itsuki was hiding her disappointment.

"Nino, this is bad timing for a boyfriend... just wait till graduation." Ichika teased her.

"We're not a couple! Out of tutoring, I hope to never have to deal with her ever again! Hanging out with Itsuki was way better." Y/N raised voice.

"Be quiet! You'll do whatever I say whenever I ask. Got it, Kaa-kun? Now carry my satchel, it's heavy!" Nino ordered while pulling his ear.

"Grr... Just because you're cute that doesn't mean you can take such advantage!" Y/N obeyed as the girl left the group to meet her friends.

"Oh, do you mind if I exploit the service?" Ichika gave the boy her bag before running away.

"Hey! That's not..." Y/N was being used as a pack animal.

"At least you three would be kind, right?" He begged towards the remaining sisters.

"Think of it as training... Here!" Miku put her bag on him too before fleeing alike.

"Yay! Let's make Y/N the strongest hero!" Yotsuba directly jumped on his back.

"Argh! Alright, I give up... Itsuki, lend me your bag too. If I have to be the mule let's do it properly." Y/N huffed, deciding to play the girls' game.

"I-I don't think it's safe, you're overloaded already and..." Itsuki was mumbling.

"Gwa, Yotsuba! You can stay there but don't squeeze me!" Y/N protested.

"Sorry, did I choke you?" The girl was worried.

"Not at all, but in this position your boobs are pressing on me. I'm getting turned on!" Y/N shouted aloud.

"S-So straightforward!" Yotsuba let go of any grip.

"Hump! Here is what you want!" Itsuki was fuming, hitting Y/N with her satchel before leaving alike.

"I really don't get her. Changing mood so suddenly... Did I do something wrong?" The boy was asking to the sister he was carrying.

"Well, Itsuki's just started to acknowledge her own feelings so you can't expect much from her. It's hard to deal with a girl in love." Yotsuba blurted out.

"Itsuki is in love?! I couldn't believe it! Now I get why she asked me out..." Y/N realized.

"Whoops, have I talked too much?" Yotsuba felt guilty.

"It was a test, training for when she'll go on a date with her crush! Hope she learnt something and got self-confidence. " Y/N misunderstood.

"That's nonsense even for you." Yotsuba facepalmed.

"Grr, hope the boy she fell for is not a punk... I'll have to give him a lesson otherwise." The boy was grinning teeth, worried for the youngest sister.

"Just look in the mirror, you airhead!" Yotsuba sincerely thought.

"Sigh..." Itsuki was walking on her own, preceding the two left behind.

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