Sweet Memories | C.12

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"You spoil her so much"

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"You spoil her so much"



Klaus came up and wrapped a arm around Ayria from behind.

"Looks like she knows who her mama is", Klaus whispered quietly making no one could hear.

Ayria mentally cried.

Walking forward Athena pulled her and her sisters into a group hug.

"To Infinity", Athena started.

"& Beyond", They all said.


After Nebula left, Gamora and Ayria went to the car to put the bags in.

"Nebula looked a little eager and suspicious when she left today, don't you think", Ayria said putting Hope's baby bag in the back seat.

Gamora glanced at her older sister for a moment then shrugged.

"I mean it's Nebula...she's always eager and suspicious", Gamora said shutting the trunk.

Ayria stopped in her tracks.

"You think she's hiding something from us?", She said looking at the sky.

"I can't tell you if she is or not because I don't know but we have to put some trust in Nebula to figure out her own problems", Gamora said rubbing her sisters arm.

"I'm probably still paranoid", Ayria said going back into the house with Gamora.


In the house

Loki and Ayria stood side by side ready to perform the spell so they can leave.

"I need to know who is all going with you", Loki said taking Ayria's hand in his.

"It's going to be me, my sisters, Klaus, his siblings and Hope", Ayria said looking at klaus who nodded his head yes.

"But as I said before this spell wears off every five years", Loki said.

Ayria smiled and shook her head.

"I know, Loki", She said looking at Loki hands as it began to glow green.

With a snap of his fingers several bracelets were in his hands.

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