Thoughts | C.16

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"Shh little baby, don't you cry"

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"Shh little baby, don't you cry"

The sun shines through the blinds coming upon Ayria's sleeping face. She gently opens her eyes but quickly cover them as the sun began to burn them.

She looked around the room she was currently staying in and saw no one in it. Usually this would be a normal thing but since their on the run, she quickly got out of the bed putting on some pants.

Ayria raced out of the room and went in the living room.

"Papa! Nat! Steve! Where are the kids", Ayria yelled out frantically but got no answer. She put her hands in her hair as she started nervously pulling on it.

Ayria used her vamp hearing to see if anybody is in the building. She heard Hope's cooing faintly on the third floor. She could also hear King screaming.

Her heart dropped as she vamp sped up the stairs. As the noise got louder the more she feared for the worst.

A million thoughts were running through Ayria's head as she reached for the door handle.

Opening the door she saw Steve tickling King making him scream out laughter. Nat was using a baby voice on Hope.

At the sight of this Ayria instantly calmed down. She smiled at them as she leaned on the door.

Nat noticed Ayria standing by the door and picked up Hope taking her towards her.

"Look Hope! It's mommy", Nat said placing baby hope in Ayria's arms.

King perked up at the mention of Ayria.

"How come Hope gets to call you mommy and I don't", King pouted cutely which made Ayria laugh lightly.

Ayria bent down in front of him and kissed his nose sweet as scrunched up his face in disgust playfully.

"You can call me what ever you like, King", Ayria said smiling.

"Ok...Momma", King said before running back to Steve.

Ayria got up off the floor.

"You were still sleep this morning and they were awoke so I decided to take them with me and Steve", Natasha said pointing at Steve who gave her thumbs up.

Ayria let out a heavy sigh.

"Next time warn me? You had me searching the whole building fearing for the worst", She said as Nat gave her apology eyes.

"I'm sorry for having you worry, Ayria. I'll have Steve leave a note next time"


New Orleans

Klaus was staring up at his bedroom ceiling depressed. The house never been this silent and he was hating it.

It's like him and his loved ones could never get a break.

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