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Travis's POV

Another boring day in mrs.packertons class.

We were doing a "important" test. Unfortunately I suck ass at math and knew nothing about the concept.

I look behind me and see Sal concentrating hard.  He looked up and smiled at me. I could tell by the way his eye moved. I smiled back.

I looked back at my paper and actually tried to concentrate.
Sal's POV
This test wasn't to hard to figure out. I was almost done to. Only 5 more question's.

I felt something or someone staring at me.

I looked up and saw Travis staring at me. I smiled. I loved when we did small thing's like this. Just to get atleast a glimpse of the other.

Me and Travis had a complicated situation but one thing we both knew was we liked eachother.

Back in middle school we became friend's and in 7th grade Travis confessed his feeling's. I also felt the same and I accepted his confession. Unfortunately someone saw us and snitched to both our father's.

My father didn't care, he just warned me to be careful. Travis's on the other hand forbidden it. He had beat Travis that night and he came to school scarred up. After that we went on the low for a bit and then we became even closer.

We would sneak glances and small kisses here and there.

Finally we found out why we were forbidden and that was because both our father's had a rivalry. Apparently they were both mafia bosses and if me and Travis dated that would make the situation very complicated.

My father know's I wanna be with Travis very badly but there's nothing he can do. The rivalry has been going on to long for him to do anything about it now.

"Sal fisher!"

I looked up.

"Pay attention please"

"Sorry mrs.packerton"

She nodded and went back to grading paper's.

I hated that old hag. If I wasn't the nice person I was, I would ask my father to assassinate her.

I glared dagger's at her and then went back to my paper.

I finally finished the test and turned it in. Travis went after me and turned his in.

We sat at our desks and traded glances and notes.

"Your so awful at being secretive."

"Not my fault your legit tossing the notes at me."

"Has anyone looked?"

"Not that I've seen"

"Haha anyways well meet me in the boy's bathroom at lunch ok? I already told the gang I'm going to be busy."

"Will do boss"
————Lunch Time————
Travis's POV

The bell rang and I went straight to the bathroom.

Sal was there waiting while being sat on the sink counter. He was brushing his hair and trying to redo his pigtails.

"There you are, thought you ditched me."

Mi amor~ (Salvis Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now