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Travis's POV

The next morning I woke up with a headache. It was Sunday meaning tomorrow I would have to go back to school.

Until then, I could just lay in bed all day but I got a text message. I got up and dragged myself across the floor to my dresser and looked at the screen.

-Sal <3-
S: goodmorning phelps, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together? I miss you!!! Love you :]

I smiled at the message and decided to respond in a moment. I looked up in the mirror and saw that my hair was super fluffed up. I also noticed the length, father would probably tell me off about it when he got home. I combed through it but it made it even more fluffy. My hair was just not going to work with me today.

I gave up and got dressed in a white sweater and some jeans. I then grabbed my phone and went back to the message app.

-Sal <3-
T: I guess so. Had to check my schedule.
S: jerk you don't even have anything planned today.
T: I will have you know I am a VERY busy male.
S: thanks for clarifying your gender
T: anytime <3

I pocketed my phone and put my shoes on. Speaking of I have to remind myself to buy some new ones, these green ones aren't working out anymore.

I went downstairs quietly and towards my parents bedroom. I knocked gently and heard a soft voice whisper to come in.

I opened the door and I saw my mom at her vanity, she was brushing out her hair and when she saw me she smiled.

"Goodmorning hon, you look nice today."

"Goodmorning! And also thank you."

She nodded and continued brushing her hair.

I remembered when I was younger I would come into this room and sit next to my mom as she did her hair before church. My mother was always a beautiful person. She had medium length black hair and almond colored skin. I was lucky enough to get her skin and hair genes, that was until my father forced me to dye my hair blonde so I looked more like him.

I shivered at the thought and looked back at her. She looked weak, not as bad as she usually did when my father was home.

"You okay mom?"

"I'm fine, just tired. Anyways do you have a question or just wanted to say Goodmorning?"

"Ok then, and also question can I go see Sal?"

"It's fine with me. I have to go visit a friend today so you would have been alone."

Strange but I didn't really think about it at the moment.

"Sweet! Thank you."

"Of course, you know I would like to meet sal one day. The way you talk about that boy makes me happy that you've found someone so special."

My face blushed a bit. She was right, I did find somebody special.

"Someday, hopefully soon- if he's comfortable with it."

She set her brush down and looked at me in the mirror.

"Do you need a ride?"

"No I'm ok, I'll just skate there."

"Alright, text me when your there."

"Will do."

"I love you!"

"I love you to mom."

——-Time Skip-——
Sal's POV

I heard a knock at the door and immediately got off the couch. I looked through the peep hole and saw that Travis was here. My heart fluttered and I unlocked the door.



I stepped aside to let him in and dragged him to my room.

"You're in a good mood today."

"I'm just excited to see you! It feels like forever."

"It was only a day."

"I know but still"

He laughed and we sat on my bed.

"So any updates?"

"Not really, me and my mom just did some errands."

"It must have been nice hanging out with her."

"It was definitely worth the time. What about you?"

"Well...I told somebody about us."

"Oh? Who?"

"Todd. Don't worry though! He swore he wouldn't say anything and he was actually really cool about it."

"I'm not worried about him- I know he's very big on the whole outing thing. I'm glad you told somebody. I know you were worrying about it."

I nodded.

"It took a lot of weight off me."

"Then that's all that matters."

I noticed his hair and laughed.

"Your hair is extra fluffy today."

"I know, I didn't bother trying to style it."

"I like it."

"Then that makes me feel better about it."

"Your so dumb."


He gently grabbed my face and we locked eyes.

God he looked so angelic. The sun shining perfectly on his body created a bright aura around him.

"Is my hair that bad?"

I came back to reality and laughed.

"No- no it's not that I just- you look really nice today."

"Thank you, you do to. I'm liking the hair down."

"Not use to it?"

"Not at all but I like how you always style your hair randomly."

I smiled and I felt really happy. I didn't know how much joy one person could give to me.

I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. His hand softened on my face. My body relaxed and when we let go I looked into his eyes again.

His expression was soft and his cheeks scattered with a small crimson blush.

It made me wonder what he saw when he looked at me.

—-Author Note-—
Hey! Thanks for reading

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