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Sal's POV

I looked up at todd and I could feel my face heating up in shame but also guilt. I sighed and laughed.

"Oh my god this is such a stupid thing to be worried about."

Todd just looked down at his feet.

"Look, I'm sorry I'm just- I had to tell somebody soon because I just can't keep this a secret anymore. It's physically and mentally making me sick."

Todd looked up at me and smiled.

"I trust you. I think if your hearts telling you that this is the right thing then I have no plans to stop you. Just- why him?"

I felt relieved but his question pondered on my mind. Why did I love him? He was the stupid cliche bully but I remember when I learned about the rivalry against our families and I just couldn't stop being curious about him. He was so quiet and mysterious at school (unless he was threatening somebody in the hallways or bathroom).

After I talked to him for the first time he was very weary of me, I understood why. His father must have prepared him about me and my family for a long time. After a couple of weeks of talking we became friends and learned we had a lot in common and then- I guess I just couldn't stand being Just his friend. He made the first move though, when we were freshmen in highschool I found him in the bathroom crying, I had found a note and I knew who he was talking about.

I confronted him and he told me everything, his feelings, his family life, the pressure on him. He finally opened up to me and I felt so special because he told me he never told anyone that, not even his best friend Phillip.

"I guess I just got to know him and he just became somebody who I started caring about."

Todd hugged me.

"I'm happy for you. I'm sorry that we didn't get to know him more like you did."

"Not your fault, he's still a quiet person."

He let go and gave me a knowing look.

"Wait- how did you get information out of him? You said it yourself he's a pretty quiet guy."

I smirked.

"I can't reveal my secrets."

Todd laughed.

"Fair point, anyways I did suspect something. I saw him leaving the apartments earlier and that alone was fishy."

"Yeah, we're not that great at hiding stuff are we?"

"Not at all."

I smiled at him.

"Thank you for listening, I really appreciate you being my friend dude."

"I appreciate your. Companionship aswell."

"Stop being such a nerd."

"Someone has to be the smart friend."

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Hey by the way, please don't tell anyone. I'm not ready to make a big announcement and plus it could be bad for Travis."

"My lips are sealed."

Later that night I was laying in bed and relaxing. I was scrolling through Instagram and liking random posts.

I felt bored and tired but not sleepy tired. I looked over at my window and decided to put my hoodie back on and going to the fire escape.

When I opened the window I could feel the cool air flowing in. It felt nice and I stepped outside and sat against the brick wall. I unclipped my prosthetic and set it next to me. I then took a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it.

The burning smoke filled my lungs and I quickly released it. I looked up at the sky and watched the stars become clearer.

Something about night time made me feel so calm. As much as I missed Travis and his company I kinda liked being alone right now.

I'm so glad I got the room with the fire escape. This was my safe space where I could think and not be interrupted by nonsense jokes or serious missions. (I didn't mind the jokes to much though. Especially Larry's).

I sat there for a while and watched the stars as I got lost in thought. Eventually when I came back to reality I realized I was starting to feel numb. I finished the last of my cigarette and put it out. I grabbed my prosthetic and put it back on.

I went back inside, closed and locked the window and then took off my hoodie and shirt. I got into some sweats and took my hair out of the pigtails; I gently combed through it and looked in the mirror.

I felt proud of how I looked. I liked having a dad bod to be honest.

Quickly I took my meds and put my glass eye in the cup of water. Then I walked over to my bed, hung up my prosthetic and laid down.

I let my thoughts wonder as I drifted off to sleep.

—author note—

Short calm chapter :]

Mi amor~ (Salvis Mafia AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora