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Sal's POV

I woke up feeling sluggish and realized I wasn't in my room. I quickly panicked and looked at my surroundings. I was calm when I saw Travis sleeping next to me.

Softly I shook him awake.


"I think we slept through the night"

His eyes quickly opened but he still had a sleepy look.

"Fuck what time is it?"

"I don't know, I don't think I put my phone on a charger last night"

"Okay just give me a second to wake up a bit"

I sat up and yawned. I looked around the room and noticed our discarded clothing thrown around. I blushed at the thought.

Travis sat up next to me and stretched. He looked at his bedside table and picked up his phone.

"Shit its 9:30!"

"We're like a hour late for school!"

I quickly climbed over him and gathered my clothes. He rushed around and looked for a outfit in his dresser.

"Sal do you just want a clean outfit of mine? I don't want kids at school thinking you don't change."

"Yeah that's probably a better option."

He tossed me a black shirt and some jeans and I quickly changed.

He followed and got changed into a black hoodie and jeans.

"Maybe you should wear a hoodie to-"


I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the bruises covering my neck.



"It's fine just toss me a random one."

He did as I asked and gave me his nockfell high hoodie. I quickly put it over the shirt and put my hair in a bun. Travis combed his hair and we put our shoes on.

"I still haven't found my phone."

"Maybe it's still in your backpack?"

I grabbed my backpack and sure enough there it was. I quickly scanned over the notifications and there was a lot of angry messages from my friends and dad.

"I'm definitely in trouble."


I showed him my phone screen and he looked embarrassed.

"Fuck If I would have known we were going to fall asleep-"

"It's fine it's not your fault. We both made our decisions."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to his bed to grab my prosthetic. I quickly clipped it on and Travis cleaned up his room and hid our pile of clothes.

We grabbed our backpacks and quietly went downstairs. It didn't seem like anyone was home until I heard humming in the kitchen.

Travis gave me a anxious look and quickly took my hand. We went for the front door but then someone walked out of the kitchen.

"Travis is that-"

She (Travis's mom) stood still in the entry way of the kitchen and gave us a confused glare.

"What are you doing home? Aren't you suppose to be at school and is that Sal?"

Travis looked embarrassed and quickly turned to face his mom. I nervously hid by his side and looked at the floor.

Mi amor~ (Salvis Mafia AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora