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Sal's POV

It was the afternoon I knew we had school tomorrow but I didn't care to let it ponder on my mind. Larry hadn't been home so me and Travis decided to go outside for a walk. I wasn't sure where to.

"You know someone is bound to see us right?"

"I don't care. Not like my father is home to know."

I laughed and kept staring at the trees lining the road as we walked. I found December in nockfell beautiful. The snow on the tree branches glistened in the sunshine and the sound of it crunching beneath  our feet as we walked satisfied me.

"I was thinking and does your family have any other enemies?"

"I don't believe so. I mean my father is one to turn on people quickly so there's a possibility. What about your's?"

"Probably, I mean my dad is always doing shady shit to get weapons or files on somebody, sometimes drugs."

"What does he do with the drugs?"

"Well the reasonable answer is he uses them but I don't think Lisa would like that. So I'm guessing he sells them for more money than they actually cost."

"Have you...ever done drugs?"

"No, I'm pretty positive Larry has. He's a whole different mess."

"You don't really talk about Larry with me. Why's that?"

"There's not much to tell. He's a relaxed person most of the time but he's very protective of me ever since he learned about the Shady stuff my dad does. I warned Larry and Lisa about it but Lisa was so persistent on marrying him anyway."

"Sounds like Lisa and Larry really changed your family."

"They did, I don't speak about her much but when my mother passed away my dad became a huge alcoholic. It was so bad once that I had to call 911. After that we moved here and I guess the new 'start' made him better over time. Of course though I learned about the shady side business and I was brought into the company."

"Wow that's- that's a lot. I'm sorry that all happened to you."

He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

"Hey if it weren't for it I wouldn't have met you. I mean yeah I've seen some shit but it was worth meeting you."

He smiled at me and I leaned my head against his arm. We continued our walk and I breathed deeply through my nose. Inhaling the air as if it would have been my last breath.

I wondered if my mom knew about my dad's business or was that another thing he kept hidden from her.

"We've almost made a full loop around the road."

"Should we do one more loop?"

"I'm getting pretty cold."

"Fair, I am to."

We finished the loop and went back to the apartments. We entered through the fire escape just in case Larry was home.

Travis opened the window and let me in first. I turned around and helped him through. When he was in I closed the window and leaned against it. I felt the cold on my back and Travis just looked at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Just tired, bored to."

He stepped closer to me and held my hand. We stood in silence. I watched his expression soften.

"How many times a day are we going to stare at eachother?"

"Something has to fill in the chapters"

Later that night we were on the fire escape star gazing. I would be lying if I said I wasn't smoking.

"I just don't see the point in cigarettes."

"I don't either. I honestly just do it because I'm stressed."

"Why are you stressed."

"I'm scared that one day this is all going to be gone."

"What do you mean?"

"For example you and my family. Ive seen life be taken so easily without hesitation and I just don't wanna see that happen again."

"I know I won't leave. Someone would have to literally kill me. Even then I'd make sure my ghost stayed near."

"Seeing a ghost version of you would be trippy."

"I hope I'm not as bruised up in the afterlife."

I had flashbacks of mrs sanderson and Stacy as ghosts. I shuddered.

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

"You sound hesitant."


"Speaking of ghosts, what happened to that ghost girl. Megan right?"

"Oh she- I think she passed on actually."

"I wish I got to meet her. She seemed sweet"

"She was, you would have liked her. She would have liked you to but you were to much of a scaredy cat to actually meet her."

"Like you said earlier, ghosts are trippy."

I inhaled the last of my cigarette and put it out on the ashtray near me.

"We should get inside, it's getting cold again."

"I'm fine with that."

Travis sat up and I followed. I stood up and opened the window and this time he went through first. We were both Inside and I closed the window.

I walked over to my coat rack on the door and put up my sweater. Travis did the same.

"I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the extra sweater on my door."

"Isn't Larry like high 90% of the time?"

"More like 95%."

I walked over to my closet and put away my shoes. Travis sat on my bed and watched as I went around my room getting ready to just relax for the rest of the night.

"Sal you've already brushed your hair."

"I need to do it one more time to make it perfect."

"Your just gonna sleep on it and it'll be messy again."

"It can still be perfect for two more hours or so."

He just smiled and I heard his phone go off.

"Shit my mom needs me home."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah she just said that it's a school night so I better get home."

He got up and walked over to me and hugged me.

"Ugh I forgot we had school tomorrow."

"It'll be fine. Luckily we're almost on winter break, this is our last week of school."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course"

He let go of me and pulled me in for a kiss. It felt like a sad one because we knew seeing eachother at school was risky.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

——Author Note——
Hii! Thank you for reading :]

Mi amor~ (Salvis Mafia AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang