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Sal's POV

After the errands of the day we're finished Larry finally let me off the hook and I had the rest of Saturday to myself.

I didn't know what to do to be honest. I was pretty bored. Plus travis would be busy by now so I couldn't call him.

Maybe I could see if Todd was free. I haven't hung out with him by myself for a while.

I got off my bed and put my sweater on and made sure my hair looked somewhat presentable. I then made my way downstairs.

I knocked on his door and his mom answered it.

"Sallyyyyyy heyyy how are you?"

She giggled after her sentence.

"I'm good mrs.Morrison, is Todd here?"

"He sure is hon! He's right in his room."

She hung onto the door handle lazily as she let me pass through.

When I looked back before entering Todd's room she was already back on her couch and almost passed out.


I knocked on Todd's door.

"Who is it?"



I opened his door and he was at his computer.

"Hey dude!"

He turned his head toward me and smiled.

"Hey Sal! What's up?"

"Not much, that's why I'm here."

"Boring weekend?"


I sat on his bed and watched as he typed away.

"What are you writing?"

"Neil's English project, he was stuck on this one part of his essay."

"What's the subject about?"

"Gay marriage and why it should be legalized."

"Mr Collin's won't like that."

"Exactly why he's doing it."

"That and because you two are like the gayest people ever?"

"I suppose that to."

I laughed.

"You two are the coolest couple, people are just jealous of how healthy your relationship is."

Todd laughed.

"I wish that was the true reason."

"Don't worry dude, it's going to happen one day."

"I hope so, but right now the government sucks."

"When haven't they?"

"They always have, I think their the secret closeted ones."

I instantly got the joke and started busted up laughing. Todd joined in and after a couple of seconds we calmed ourselves down.

"You should be a comedian dude."

"No way, I only tell the truth and people wouldn't like that."

"That's fine, then you could just be my personal comedian alongside Larry of course."


He quickly finished up typing and turned off his computer. He got up from his chair and laid at the bottom of his bed.

"Hey Sal I wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"Did you notice Travis phelps at the apartment earlier?"

I froze and could feel my face get red. I started fidgeting with my hands.

"R-Really? He was here?"

"Yeah me and Neil saw him walk out the building earlier."

"That's odd. Doesn't he live in the nice neighbor a couple streets down? Why would he wanna come here?"

"That's also what I was wondering and also why I was asking you."

I nervously laughed.

"Why me? You know I don't like him."

"I never said anything about liking him."

"That's not what I- Todd what are you getting at here?"

"I was just wondering if you know...something was happening between you two? This isn't the first weird thing I've noticed."

"What other 'weird' things are there?"

"Like the fact that you have been disappearing around lunchtime. I know it's not for missing work either."


"Ok fine I'll tell you."

He looked at me with a smirk like he knew what I was going to say.

"I've been going to help..."

"Help what?"

"I've been helping Travis by being his tutor."

He looked surprised at my answer.

"Since when have you two been friends?"

I remembered the note incident but knew I couldn't out travis like that.

"We um...we came to a agreement and plus mrs packerton asked me to help him because he's failing math."

Todd looked nervous now.

"Oh. Then im sorry for making assumptions like that I just-"

"No it's okay, I appreciate you looking out for me. I do have one request though please do NOT tell Larry. He'd freak out if he knew I was helping the rivals son."

"I won't, but promise me you'll be safe. You don't know with that family. Their so unpredictable."

"I know, trust me I've been careful."

He nodded and looked at his ceiling. I then felt really guilty. I can't lie to him.



"Do you love neil?"

He looked taken aback by the question.

"Of course I do, we've been together since freshman year."

"How do you know that you love him?"

"Oh..well I guess I just know. Every moment I'm with him it's like nothing matters except him
And he makes me feel good and like I'm a person."

"So...he makes you feel a certain way like nobody else does?"

"Basically yeah. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know I'm just confused right now..."


"I just, I see you and Neil and then Larry and ash all happy and I just can't help but feel like I'm kinda out of the loop with this whole love thing but then-"

"But then what?"

I sighed.


"I just- I have something to confess."

"What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath.

"I'm not tutoring Travis."

He gave me a patient look.

"I think I love Travis."

——Author note——
I swear I update at the most random times-

Thank you for the patience everyone :]

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