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Todd's POV
"Hey Neil?"


"Have you noticed Sal has been acting weird lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"He disappears for a extended amount of time, Randomly says he has late work to do, and he's always staring at something at random times. Plus there's just so much more I can add onto this list."

"I don't think that's so out of ordinary for Sal. Doesn't he always stare off into space?"

"Ok maybe that's true but what about the other stuff? Isn't that weird?"

"I'm sure it's nothing dear, you worry to much."

I sighed knowing I was getting nowhere with this conversation. I was going to have to find some other way to figure out what's up with Sal.


Larry's POV

When I got back to the apartments I could hear the shower going and figured Sal was in the bathroom. I didn't want to bother him so I went into his room to look for one of my sweaters he stole.

When I opened his door a strong scent of cleaning frebreeze hit me. With that first clue I already knew he must have just cleaned his room.

I went to his dresser and found my hoodie neatly folded on top of it. I grabbed it and started heading out of the room.

As I was going to leave his room I saw his phone light up. As if I was being watched I looked around the room and crept to his bedside table.

On the screen showed a message:

💛: Made it home safe, good luck with Larry today. :)

No way.

I put his phone down and went back to the livingroom.

That's when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to answer it.

"Oh hey Todd!"

"Hey Larry, we need to talk."

"Sure dude come in"

Him and Neil walked behind me and sat on the couch while I sat on a armchair.

"So what's going on?"

"I think somethings up with sal, he's been acting a lot weirder lately."

I laughed.

"Sal's always weird though"

Todd sighed and started fidgeting with his fingers. Neil grabbed his hands and ran his thumb across them.

"Todd has this whole theory that Sal is seeing somebody."

I remembered the text.

"Now that I think about it I did see some suspicious message on sal's Phone, but either way why would it be so bad that sal's seeing someone?"

"That's the thing though larry, I think- well this is going to be awkward but I believe Sal is seeing Travis."


He nodded.

"No way! why would you think that? Sal hates him!"

"I know it sounds far fetched but earlier we saw Travis leaving Addison apartments and he seemed in a rush."

"Huh that is odd but are we sure Sal has anything to do with this?"

"Yes, get this lately hes been "missing work" and having to go for a long period of time. Then he comes back all flustered or in a good mood."

I froze. The thought of Sal with Travis made me feel uneasy.

"If what your saying is true then we have to investigate a little more into this."

——TimeSkip to later——
Sal came out of the bathroom and was dressed in his cargo pants and sweater. His hair was messily down.

"Dude did you not brush your hair?"

"I did but it's being weird today."

"Maybe Megan's haunting it"

He laughed.

"I'll have a talk with her."

He sat down beside me.

"So what's this 'mission' we have to do"

"Henry said something about the phelps planning this winter gala, with this being said we have to get more information about it and then hack our way into their guest list."

"We could get Todd to help us, he's good with computer things."

"Yeah but I don't wanna get him stuck into this."

"Fair point but he's helped us in the past and it's been fine, I say we take the chance again for the sake of getting this done faster."

"Alright I'll text him that we're on our way."
Sal's POV
"So basically you want me to hack into one of the most feared crime bosses system?"


Todd rolled his eyes.

"Fine but I expect my payment."

"Of course dude, we wouldn't cut your pay like that."

He turned his chair to face his computer and quickly got to typing. I sat on his bed and watched as he worked his magic. Larry just leaned against his filing cabinet.

"You guys seriously get into the craziest of situations."

"Yup ghosts and mafias. We're pretty much living the dangerous life."

Todd mumbled something in reply.

"Alright I think I got in."

Larry bounced off the cabinet and turned his attention to the computer screen.

"Let's start with the guest list."

Todd nodded and quickly clicked on the file. I got off the bed and went to the other side of Todd and read through the names as he scrolled.

One happened to be mrs packerton. Shocking - not.

"Is there a way you can edit our fake names onto the list?"


With a quick type he was able to edit the list and added our fake names.

"Done, I also added me and ash's names so that we can tag along. I wouldn't wanna miss something as big as this."

"Just be careful ok?"

"I'm always careful."

With that me and Larry said our goodbyes to Todd and headed to the parking lot.

"What's next?"

"We have to go access the suits Henry ordered."

"Why do you say that so professionally?"

"This sort of job has to be done professionally so might as well. Plus you haven't loss me all the way little dude. I haven't gone to the sophisticated side yet."

"Better never do that. I couldn't imagine you not being a giant goofball anymore." 

——Author Note——
Hey :D hope you enjoyed!

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