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Travis's POV

The next morning I woke up with a headache and didn't realize where I was. I felt something on top of my chest and when I finally decided to open my eyes to investigate I was met with gizmos face in mine. I also noticed sals arm wrapped around my stomach.

"Sal your fat cat is crushing me."

He just snuggled closer to me in protest of not caring.

I decided to check the time and when I went to grab my phone I realized it wasn't on the bedside table like it usually would be.


"Did you lose your phone again?"


He giggled.


We laid in silence for a few minutes. I was staring at the ceiling thinking about what my dad said last night. I knew this was probably going to be one of his "big schemes" on trying to take down Henry or whatever but I really didn't want any part in it if that was the case.

I know I wouldn't hurt Sal, but that doesn't mean other people won't. My father is smart, he knows how to plan things and to expect the worse. He's prepared for anything at anytime.

"Sal I need to get up."

"You don't have to, we could lay here all day."

"I wish I could but I seriously should check my phone to make sure my father isn't expecting me."

"5 more Minutes, please?"

I sighed knowing he won. He always does, I can't say no to him. (Ew gross love)

"Fine, just five minutes though."

I wrapped my arm around his back and closed my eyes. Maybe I could escape reality for the 5 minutes. Maybe live in the reality where everything was okay and me and Sal could be happily together without worrying about the family businesses.

Unfortunately that reality didn't last long, Sal quickly sat up and I followed his actions. Gizmo meowed in protest and jumped off me.

"Did you hear the front door open or was that just me?"

"I'm not sure I wasn't really paying attention."


"Shit Larry's home! Quick hide somewhere"

I did as he said and went to sal's closet and hid. Through the shutters of the closet I could see sal put on sweatpants and a shirt. Then Larry barged into the room.


"Jesus Christ Larry what, it's like 7 in the morning dude."

"Sorry lil dude, I got a text from mom to wake you up, we have some business to complete for Henry."

Sal groaned and walked over to his dresser where he put his glass eyeball in and prosthetic on. I looked away.

"Do we have to?"

"I don't like it anymore then you do, but if I can put my plans with ash on hold you can to."

I looked back at Sal when I thought the coast was clear.

"Not like I had any."


I rolled my eyes at the remark.

"Fine just give me like 20 minutes to get dressed properly."

"Will do, also mom and Henry said their trip got extended til Monday night."

"Thanks for letting me know."

Larry walked over to Sal and scuffed his hair.

"No problem lil dude, anyways I'm gonna go to McDonald's and get something to eat. Please be ready by the time I get back and also text me if you want something."

"Got it."

Larry left and closed the door behind him. Sal locked it and went to his mirror.

I got out of the closet and came up behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and he held onto them. he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just tired."

"So much for 5 minutes."

"I know right? The universe really is homophobic."

"So homophobic."

I kissed the top of his head and then met his eyes in the reflection. The sun shone through the curtains and gave our body's a glowing silhouette.

"I love you"

"I love you to, I wish we can stay like this all day."

"Me to."

I kissed him again.

"I'll see if I can come over tomorrow."

"Please do. The weekends are so boring without you."

I smiled at the comment.

"I should find my phone. I don't wanna come home to a angry father."

"Ugh once again the universe is being homophobic."

I let go of him and put on my T-shirt and then searched the floor for my phone. I eventually found it underneath the bed.

7:15 am
2 new messages

I quickly opened my messaging app.

Mom: Hey hon! Good morning. Please make sure to get home around 8:00. I have some gala things to discuss.

'She must have gotten the same message I did.'

I grabbed my hoodie from the bedpost and sent a quick reply to my mom. Sal was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me the entire time.

"By the look on your face I assume you have to leave anyways?"

"Yeah, but I forgot to mention that my dads out for the entire week so that means i can come over more often - or try to Atleast."

"I wouldn't mind that at all."

——Author Note——
I'm back :D thank you all for your patience while I was on a small hiatus, I very much needed the break :,]

Anyways hope you enjoyed, see you in the next chapter!

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