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Sal's POV

When Lisa and my dad had to pick up Larry they took me home as well. They figured there was no point of leaving me alone at school, especially because they couldn't trust me anymore.

The car ride was awkward and silent.

"So...would any of you boys like to tell us why we had to come pick you up?"

I just stared out the window. Larry jabbed me in the side.

"Dude what the fuck-"


"Sorry dad."

I gave him a glare and Larry just snickered. Lisa looked at us through the rear view mirror.

"What is going on with you two? I know that's different than your normal idiotic selves."

My stomach pooled with embarrassment.

"I'm just tired."

"Yeah probably from being fucked by Kenneth's son."

"What was that Larry?"

"He said nothing he's just being a douche!"

He snickered again and I really had the urge to punch him.

"Sal you do owe us a explanation on where you were last night. We came home and Larry went to get you and poof you were just gone. How do you think that made us feel?"

I looked at my dad and now the embarrassment mixed with guilt.

"I was at a friends and I forgot to charge my phone."

"You have that phone for a god damn reason and that's to contact us. I'm disappointed in you."

"Do you even know why you had to come pick Larry up?"

Now it was my turn to mess with Larry.

"He got into a fucking fight with Kenneth's son."

"You what?!"

Lisa turned her head to face her son. She gave him a look of angry and shock.

"Yeah I got into a fight with that fucker because sal's been secretly dating him!"

My dad suddenly braked the car and stared at me through the mirror.

"You've been what now?!"

"Dad I can explain!"

"No, that's enough from you two. You've caused enough problems as it is. When we get home I want both your phones and your grounded for a week!"

"Dad please don't do this!"

"Shut it!"

He continued his driving and the rest of the ride was silent. I quietly cried while looking out the window.


When we got home we gave him our phones and I went to my room. I locked the door and sobbed against it.

"I'm such a fucking idiot."

I tangled my hands in my hair and pulled on it. My crying was silent but heavy.

30 minutes later there was a knock on my door. Luckily I had been calm at this point and was just staring into space. I moved away from my door and unlocked it.

"Come in"

I sat on my bed and I turned to see who it was. Unfortunately it was my dad.

He closed the door and sat next to me.

Mi amor~ (Salvis Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now