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Travis's POV

I was sitting at the old oak tree that was in the middle of the forest. People usually hung out in this area, and by people I mean the other teenagers of nockfell.

Luckily tonight there wasn't anyone there. Besides, once Sal got here we would move to a more secret location. I just liked the oak tree because of how calm the surrounding was. It was the one area of nockfell that didn't feel so dead and miserable.

The sun was starting to set and that's when Sal arrived. I stood up when I saw him and he quickly made his way over to me.

He hugged me and when he let go I smiled at him.



"Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah never been better."

He took my hand and we started walking around.

"Can I ask what happened with you and Larry?"

I felt his body tense and he sighed.

"He..freaked out when I told him about us and that's why you rudely got punched in the face."

I laughed.

"Sorry that wasn't funny, just the punch part was. Honestly I can't blame him. I deserved that for many years."

"He could have handled it better."

"I promise I'm not upset. I get it, I would be protective over my sibling to...especially because of our backgrounds."

He slowly swung our hands as we continued walking.

"Anyways, my dad and Lisa picked us up and Larry outed me to them and I outed him about the fight and when we got home we both went to our rooms. My dad had grounded us in the car and that's why I didn't have my phone."

I frowned, I shouldn't have laughed earlier. This wasn't okay and it's clearly bugging Sal.

"Hey I'm sure you two will be okay. I know he's your best friend and I don't wanna be the cause of the fall out. Maybe you should talk to him when you get home."

"I'm gonna try to. I just wish this went differently. I was trying to figure out how to tell him for so long and that caused it to build up to much and we saw where that led."

I turned to face him. He looked up at me.

"It's not your fault though. You were just trying to do what was best for you. It's okay to have some secrets you know?"

"I really hope so."

"You and Larry are to good of friends for this to be the ending. I'm positive you'll figure it out and if I need to take another 50 punches for it to work out then so be it."

"Thank you, I really appreciate you."


We were sitting at a bench near the cliff of the lake and watched the sun as it finally set. Sal rested his head on my shoulder.

I breathed in the clean air and felt so happy. Everything felt calm and I didn't feel so sick and anxious.

Suddenly I got a text. I took out my phone and noticed it was a message from my father. I looked at Sal and he seemed asleep. I quickly opened my messaging app and read the text:

Father: Travis, I will be home by tomorrow. Make sure the house is cleaned and well prepared, we have guest's coming. -Kenneth.

I rolled my eyes and put away my phone. I could worry about this later.

"Hey Sal?"


"I better get going. I dont want my mom worrying."


He sat up and yawned. I watched him carefully as he slowly woke up.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Sorta. I needed that nap apparently."

I smiled and got off the bench, Sal followed after and grabbed my arm. He hung onto it as we walked.

"Tomorrow's gonna be awkward huh?"

"Probably, but Atleast no more sneaking around."

He hummed in response and soon we got back to the Main Street at the entrance of the forest.

"Want me to walk you back to the apartments?"

"I'll be alright. Like you said, I don't want your mom worrying."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

He "kissed" my cheek and I saw his eyes light through his prosthetic meaning he was smiling.

"Text me"

"Will do."

He let go of my arm and turned around and walked the other way. I watched him for a few minutes until he was too far to see clearly, then I started walking back towards my house.


When I got home I could hear a low hum of music playing through the walls. I opened the door and put my hoodie on the coat rack and went over to the kitchen.

My mother stood over the stove stirring something in a pot.


She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey honey, how was your hang out?"

"It was good. We didn't do much, just sat near the cliff and watched the sunset."

"How romantic, you two are just the cutest. I'm so glad I raised you to be a gentleman."

I smiled and looked at the stove clock.

8:30 pm

I didn't realize how early it still was.

"What's for dinner?"

"Just some chicken and dumpling soup. I figured we would have one last fun meal before your father got home."

"He texted you to?"


"Did he mention any guests to you?"

"He did. Their probably just Some businesses guys who wanna get some of your dads money."

"Guess his money is the only good thing about him."

"Hopefully we're in the will."

I laughed and walked over to the dish cabinet. I grabbed two bowls and put them on the table.

I went back and grabbed two spoons and two glasses.

"Water or tea mom?"

"I'll have some tea."

I grabbed the unsweetened tea from the fridge and poured her a cup. Then I got myself some water.

I went back to the table and put the rest of our dishes down.

"Need any help carrying the pot?"

"No. I got it, thank you sweetie."

———Author Note———
I'm not dead :]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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