A New Friend?

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Since today is my first day of school as a sophomore , I had to arrive early.

"Bye!" I heard my mom yell and I gave her a small wave.

As I step in the school, anxiety struck me. Everyone was chatting around their lockers.

Some people stared at me which kinda bothered me.

I went to get my schedule and see what I have.

Period 1- Geometry
Period 2- Music
Period 3- Chemistry
Period 4- History
Period 5- English
Period 6- Homeroom

Why do I have to start with math first?

I pulled myself together and headed towards the room.

Some students were already here and as I walked in more students came.

I picked the seat all the way in the back.

I felt a pair of eyes glued onto me so I looked at the direction and saw Sal.

Oh no..but not that I hate him or anything it's just I feel awkward since I left while he was trying to talk to me.

Taking a deep breath the lesson started.


We packed up and headed towards my next class, music.

"Alright let's get started, you'll be picking out which instrument you would like to play" the teacher pointed over at the area of instruments.

My eyes directly went to the electric guitar.

The others and I went to pick the instruments.

I grabbed the guitar and noticed the familiar blue hair from my right side, Sal picking which guitar.

My eyes widened and I quickly hurried back. Eventually everyone went back to their seats and the less began.

"Alright I want you guys to play the instrument you have and show me what you know" The teacher said and we stood up and spread out a bit.

I got my fingers positioned and started to play.

Good thing I know how to play it since I was a kid.

"Impressive Y/n!" The teacher clapped and all of the sudden everyone's eyes were glued onto me.

I stopped playing and they continued to play.

Sighing in relief, I continue playing the guitar.

From the corner of my eye I saw someone moving a bit closer to me or to the area i'm in. It was Sal.

He played the guitar pretty well, probably had enough practice years ago?


Since it almost lunch time we got let out like 2 minutes early.

I walked down the hall to where the lockers are, I pulled out the locker number I have.


I headed towards my locker and put away some stuff.

The rest of the students got out of class and went to the cafeteria, so did I.

I went in line and got some stares but i ignored it.

It seems like today they have bologna. Since I was a kid, I never really liked it.

•The Blue Glow• Sal Fisher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now