Being Timed..

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Next Day

"How was school yesterday and sorry for not asking earlier"
"It was nice I met a new friend"
"Oh really?"
"What's their name?"
She gave me that smirk face. "We don't nothing between us mom!" I hid my flustered face and she chuckled.

"I know I was kidding" I playfully punched her.

She faked cried, "Also they finished repairing your guitar!" "Wait really?" I almost jumped out of my seat.

"Yes and you'll get it later on or when you come back to school. It should arrive today" I gave her a biggest hug.

She did as well. "Alright hurry up we gotta leave" She hurried me up and I grabbed my backpack and put my mask on.

We quickly exited the building and we get in the car.


We both waved and I quickly headed to my first class which is math...

I went to my original seat.

There was still time left so I decided to draw in my notebook.

I was thinking of what to draw until I went back a page and saw Philip's drawings.

Bingo. I went to a clear page and started to draw him.

Gotta put his iconic smile.

More students came in and so did the teacher so I quickly hid my drawing.

She seems to be passing out a test or quiz?

She skipped over me?

"You don't know anything of this since you came here yesterday so you can do anything but it gotta be quiet" She said and went back to her desk.

"Lucky" I heard a faint whisper coming from my right side, Sal.

15 minutes passed•

I was too busy focusing on the Philip drawing but I looked at my right to see Sal asleep.

'Why is he sleeping?'

"Sal can you please wake up" Mrs.Packerton said out loud and Sal shot up. "My bad but I finished the test" Travis looked at him.

"That's fine but please stay awake in the remaining time until everyone is done" Sal nodded.

"Travis get back to work" She shot a glare at him.

Travis huffed and went back.

I went back to drawing and it caught Sal's eye. He leaned a bit towards me. "What are you drawing?" He whispered.

I glance at him then back to the paper. "Someone..." I covered my drawing a bit.

"Is it that guy you were hanging out with at English class?"
I gave him a nod.
He just hum.

Continuing to draw, I tried to do his cartoon style but I failed.

Sal just stared at me and I just pretended like I didn't know the future shit.

I wish I can hug him like I did before since we were lovers. He's just clueless...

Class ended and we got out. I was heading to my other class but stopped since I saw everyone chatting around and having their break. I quickly pulled out my schedule and saw it's a weird schedule.

Math, break, English, Lunch and Chemistry.

I don't remember this from my other "life".

There was a lot of people outside and today has good weather.

I saw Philip chatting with his friends, seems to be having a good time.

Sal and the others were on the bench talking as well. On the other side I saw Travis sitting alone.

Poor him, his father is so horrible to him.

I decided to join him, he didn't notice I sat next to him because he was too focus on the flowers.

"Hey Travis"
He jumped a bit. He noticed me and calmed down.
"Why are you alone"
"Why not? It's peaceful"
"Not to be rude...but uh why are you here?"
"Well I saw you alone and wanted to join you but if you want me to leave since you said being alone is peaceful I can"
"Nah its alright. I don't mind you being here"
"I saw you were looking at the flowers, see any specific you like?"
"There's one.."

I followed the one he was staring at and picked it up. I placed it on his ear.

His eyes widened and his cheeks went red.

He seems speechless and looked away.

"Thank you"
"Your welcome"
"You seem more talkative than you were yesterday"

Oh shit. I cant tell him since he's apart of the cult or maybe I can save him from it before his dad gets him?

Then suddenly I saw a weird figure that looks like jim? Probably leading me somewhere?

"Excuse me..." I slowly rose up and went over to the figure.

It disappeared and appeared in the hallways.

Then he shifted in the girls bathroom.

Since he was moving quickly I speed walked.

Entering the bathroom, he stood here looking faded.

"Jim? What's wrong?"
He looks a bit worried. Oh no..
"Somethings are gonna change and there's gonna be pressure on you."
I tilt my head to the side.
"Like what?"
"You're being timed" He pointed at the mirror.

40 minutes and 53 seconds left

It's counting down..?

"40 minutes until what?"
"40 minutes that you need to defeat the cult before they get to your dear Sal and my son, Larry"

My eyes widened. What the fuck?

"W-What? But why am I being timed?"
"They changed it because it's taking forever"
"Oh god.."
"I know I know...I'll help you since I know you can't do it alone so I'll have Philip help you. Here"

He gave me a necklace, "This is for keeping check of the time and any help you need"

"But I don't know if I can!"
"Yes you can! You're strong! I'll teleport you to the future where the cult is starting. Philip will be there with you, by your side"
"O-Okay..but after I defeated them...What will happen? My memories with Sal and the others?"
"Well that will be wiped unfortunately but after they are defeated, you will have a new story where there's no trouble"
"Alright I think I'm ready"
"See you after"

Jim snapped his fingers and I was suddenly back at the apartments, much older.

"Hey Y/n"
"We should be doing it now, we have 30 minutes"

I sighed and we quickly grabbed our stuff and run out of the building.

(Author: I'm not finishing this book this quickly. There will be more interesting events for the next chapters)

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