Chapter Three: Gas Station

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Gas Station

I was running, my breathing coming in short fast bursts. Looking over my shoulder I saw that I was still be followed by the group of five. They were quickly catching up to me.

Turning down an alley I found myself in a dead end.

There was no escape. This was going to be my end.

For some reason, I was okay with that.

I was okay with this coming to an end.

I knew I was dreaming again. I was dreaming about another's death.

They five rounded the corner, high-fiving one another when they realized I wouldn't be able to escape. My hand tightened on the gun before dropping it.

It was empty and completely useless.

A small cry escaped me as I twisted into bed.

They approached me, circling around me. One raised a gun, pointing it at me.

I grinned at them.


Surprise and fear flashed in me then. The gunman dropped to the ground dead with a newcomer behind him. His skin as pale and his eyes were bright red.

I've seen him before. In my other nightmares.

"Need a new life, kid?" The male asked.

I nodded, watching as he moved so fast and gracefully.

Whatever he was offering I wanted it.

I bolted up, looking around the room as my heart raced in my chest. My lamp clicked on before I ran a hand over my face. It was just a dream. Nothing but a dream.

It couldn't be real. I couldn't dream of others deaths.

That one time was a fluke accident.

These dreams meant nothing.

Moving, brought my legs over the side of the bed and glanced to were Geoffrey slept, surprised that the light didn't wake him. I knew him sleeping in my room wasn't the best of options at the moment but there was nowhere else to put him. I had gotten the only spare room in the house and I wasn't going to be sharing with either my father or Bella.

More often then not I would fall asleep on the couch downstairs but Charlie had started to get on my case about being healthy and everything. Of course, my father knew where I was coming from but until we could do something about it I had to settle for things to be how they were.

Reaching out I shut the light off once again, allowing my eyes to adjust to the room as the sun still hadn't come up. Slowly standing I grabbed my laptop from the side table and slowly crept out of the room making as little noise as I could.

Closing the door behind me I walked downstairs to see Charlie already dressed and ready for work.

"You're up early, kiddo." He said, offering me some coffee.

I lent against the doorframe giving him a small smile. "Someone has to make sure you eat before you leave," I said, watching as he got another cup down for me. "Besides I'm trying to figure out the best college to go to."

"So long as it's not one of those places that's out in the middle of nowhere." He grumbled, thinking about where Bella wanted to go.

"You know that's not an option. I still have Geoffery to think about." I took the cup from his hands when he offered it to me. "Try to get some bad guys too, daddio. I hear that Edward Cullen boy is itching to get placed in jail." I joked, watching as he beamed slightly at that.

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