Chapter Eleven: Trick or Treat

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Trick or Treat

I knocked on the door my annoyance reaching a new level that day. "Isabella open this dang door and talk to me! This is just complete foolishness to hide in your bedroom and continue to refuse to talk to me." I snapped knowing very well that my sister was in her room at that moment.

It was getting old and I didn't have the patients that my father seemed to have. He continued to believe that Bella would snap out of her zombie-like state before too long but I long gave that hope up. Yes, the pain was going to be there and she'll continue to hurt because Edward left with only a goodbye but at least she got something.

Edward at least told her they were leaving while Jasper had just disappeared on me. Rather I was scared, upset, or whatever it didn't give Jasper the right to just try and vanish from my life without at least trying to talk to me.

A little over a month had passed since the Cullen's moved away and now it was Halloween. Life was moving on, waiting for no one and I wasn't about to let my sister throw away the last year of her high-school life because she wanted to hurt about Edward. There were plenty of fish in the sea and she didn't need him to be happy.

"Open this door! I'm going trick or treating with Geoffrey, dad's been called out, meaning that it's up to you to hand candy out this year!" I called out once again knocking against the door. "Just because it's locked doesn't mean I'm going to leave. There are two bowls of candy that need passed out!"

Bella needed to get out of that room of hers and have fun. I already had the night planned out. Mike was going to stop with his brothers at some points where he was supposed to try and get my sister to hang out with him for the rest of the night. If that failed, well, I didn't have a plan if that failed.

Mike was the only hope I had of getting Bella out of the house that night.

"Bella! The kids need candy and I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to egg your truck if you didn't comply." It was obviously supposed to be a lie as I don't think anyone in tone was actually brave enough to do that. "Can't you hear their mourn full cries! 'We need candy! We'll do a trick!'. See, Bella!"

Letting out a sigh I laid my forehead against the door.

"Don't you care about Charlie? Can't you see this hiding in your room is effecting him? He's killing him to see you hurting and not being able to do anything about it. He actually smiled for the first time in a month Bella, when I told him you were going to hand candy out to the kids of Forks." I said pulling back and shaking my head. "I guess that was a lie."

I couldn't force my sister to leave her zombie-state. I knew that. I knew she would have to want to do it herself but I needed her to see just how unhealthy it was.

Giving up as my sister continued to ignore me I headed down the stairs hearing the first knocking that night. Sam appeared at the bottom of the stairs with one of the bowls of candy that I hadn't been lying about and answered the door. Entering the living room I grabbed my phone and slid it into one of my pockets before grabbing the camera and snapping a picture of my son in his outfit.

"I blame dad." I mumbled as I watched Geoffrey in his miniature sheriff outfit. "Are you ready, Sam?" I asked as the male reappeared after handing candy out.

"Are you sure you're okay going out tonight? You shouldn't push yourself." Sam said his eyes going down to my still cast hand. "There's no reason to push your limits."

I shook my head looking down as well.

"I can't just stop doing things, Sammy. Besides, even if my son is too young to remember his first Halloween in Forks, I'm still going to make sure that there are plenty of pictures for him to look at." I said giving him a smile. "I'm just glad you agreed to walk around with us for an hour. He still gets too tired and I wouldn't be able to carry him without help."

It was true that Sam was going to be a lot of help that night. My son might be too young to have most of the candy in the bag but that didn't mean I couldn't start to record his memories and take him out. Besides, there was more then one way to get rid of a bag of candy.

Sam let out a sigh. I had a feeling he really didn't want to be doing this.

"Okay, but why do you want me to wear these ears? Are they really necessary?" He asked causing my grin to widen.

"It was either that or I try and convenience you to dress up as a vampire." I said shrugging at the idea of that being better. "Besides, you're the one deciding to go shirtless tonight. I thought it might look less weird if you had a tail and ears."

"I'm not wearing the tail." Sam quickly added on.

"For now." I mumbled not pushing it. "Well, let's get going. An hour isn't that bad and there's a chance there will be plenty of time when we get back that I can hand out candy." I said clapping my hands together.

* * A painful truth is better then a lie that causes unnecessary damage. * *

"Trick or Treat."

Holding the bowl of candy out I watched as the kids picked a few pieces before they turned to leave. Watching the group go back to their parents I watched as my dad pulled into the driveway. I knew he would no doubt have to leave once again as Halloween was a night full of mysterious, and strange happenings.

"Hey dad." I said seeing how tired he looked as he stepped onto the porch. "Long day?" I asked.

"A few kids broke into the empty factor on the edge of town." He said, letting out a sigh as he entered the house with me right behind him. "I see you're almost out of candy. That's good."

I grimaced glad I had hidden the second bowl of candy. There wasn't a reason that he needed to worry about Bella that night. I could just let him believe that she was slowly coming back to her usually self by doing small things.

"Of course, daddio." I swallowed sitting the bowl down as he took his coat off. "There's only a few minutes left before the kids return home with their bundles of candy. If you're not in a rush in the morning can you drop my film off at the shop. I'll pick it up after school but I want you to see Geoffrey in his little sheriff uniform and the other kids he befriended."

"Sure, kid. I can do that."

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