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After their brief interaction, Michael drove Carolina to his house, afraid her parents would be home.

"Can I, um, take a shower?" Carolina asked nervously.

"Why so shy? I'm not gonna try anything." Michael said, raising his hands.

"How can I believe you? You know what just forget I ever asked." Carolina said.

"Why are you so serious all the time? C'mon! Lighten up! Sorry for the mess, by the way. He hadn't cleaned from the party yesterday." Michael said falling on the couch.

Carolina looked at the corner where Calum had pushed her, the emotions all came flooding back.

"I'll help clean, then I'll shower. Then we can do, I dunno, whatever." Carolina sighed not being able to tolerate the smell of alcohol and stale pizza.

"Can you maybe sleepover?" Michael asked.

"I could, but I won't." Carolina said.

"Why not?" Michael whined, kneeling on the couch.

"Because you're you," Carolina defended.

"What about we just hang out and if you had fun then you sleepover? And if not then I take you home? Deal?" Michael asked sticking his hand out.

"Deal." Carolina smiled shaking his hand. On any other day, she would've been shocked at this interaction. It definitely wasn't normal. But thing weren't particularly normal at the moment, were they?

Time quickly passed by since Carolina arrived to Michael's house.

They cleaned the house up a bit then Carolina took a shower.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes? I would put mines on but it reeks of school lunch and grass." She said peeping her head out of the bathroom doorway.

"Yeah, for sure," Michael said getting up, walking to his room as Carolina followed with nothing on but a towel. He went into his room and Carolina was shocked that he didn't have a half-naked girl pictures hanging on his walls.

"Surprised?" Michael asked with a smirk.

"Very much, so yes." She said looking around even more. His room was quite cozy and dark. The walls were painted dark blue and his curtains were light grey.

"Here ya go," Michael said handing her some boxers, light grey sweatpants, and a large black tee.

"Thank you." She said taking the clothes and shlyly walking back into the bathroom. 

Michael just chuckled and shook his head at Carolina. He put a movie and took out some snacks and soda.

Meanwhile, Carolina put on the boxers, shorts and the tee-shirt. She dried her hair by shaking her head like she was a person in a heavy metal rock band. She finally walked out to meet a wild Michael.

She plopped on the opposite side of Michael. "So? What are we watching?" Carolina asked looking at Michael.

"Hm.  Depends. Are you feeling a chick flick, action flick or horror flick?" Michael asked. Carolina giggled.

"I don't even think horror chick-flicks exist, but yea I prefer horror movies." Carolina smiled.

"Alrighty!" He said and put the movie in.

35 minutes into the movie Carolina was scared and was now pressed up against Michael. Michael only chuckled.

"You know, you're family now, I'll protect you and we'll get through this together," Michael said wrapping his arm around her. Carolina smiled and thanked him softly. They resumed watching the movie and Carolina fell asleep in Michael's arms.

That's the only place she actually felt safe in, apart from Calum's arms which she knew she would never be in again.

* * *

it's short but its cute. just like you.


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