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~During Michael and Alex date~

Luke and Carolina had taken a trip down to her high school to register Luke again. Carolina was excited that Luke would be going to the same school as her but what about Calum.

What Alex said to Calum weeks ago had still not left her mind.

"Last time I remember you're the one who used to fancy Luke Hemmings!"

Did Calum ever like Luke? What if Luke likes Calum?

"I can't wait to see everyone again," Luke exclaimed. Carolina snapped out of her thoughts and replied.

"It's gonna be like old times! I'm sure they'll be happy to see you again, we all missed you." Carolina said.

"Aww, that's sweet, I missed you guys too. You wanna go out to eat I'm hungry." Luke said. Carolina laughed.

"You're always hungry, but sure. Oh but instead of going out let me cook for you, I haven't cooked in a long time." Carolina said.

"I don't know if I should take that as a good or bad thing..." Luke chuckled.

"Please?" She begged. "I'll throw in a free dessert if you do!" She said.

"Fine." Luke said and they drove to his apartment. As soon as they got in Luke remembered the plane ticket he had found in Alex's drawer.

He changed into his comfy clothes and went to see Carolina in the living room.

"Hey, umm today, you know when I was looking for accessories for Alex's outfit, I found a plane ticket to Chicago four months from now. You know what that's all about?" Luke asked sitting across from her on the couch. Carolina thought about it.

Nobody Alex knew lives in Chicago, Her parents don't live in Chicago, Her grandparents died a few years back. Who would she go see in Chicago?

"To be honest I have no clue." Carolina shrugged. Luke shook his head and decided to dismiss the topic and turn on the tv while Carolina started getting out all things she needed.

Soon all you could hear was chopping, spice shaking, sizzling, pans clanking, etc. etc.

In 35 minutes Luke was being called into the kitchen. Luke was actually surprised when he saw a Chicken Breast and seasoned Asparagus. It looked delicious and it even tasted better.

"So? How is it?!" Carolina said before taking a bite of it off her plate.

"It's delicious!" Luke said stuffing his face even more. After that, they ate in silence. After they ate Luke picked up the plates while Carolina started making the dessert she said she would make.

Carolina's creative mind came up with making, what she would call, many-ingredient-containing-sundae. Which was one layer of ice cream then Oreo crumbs then another layer of ice cream with crumbled pound cake as topping and zig-zagged chocolate syrup.

She made a bowl for herself and one for Luke. They ate the many-ingredient-containing-sundae and watched Hunger Games, Carolina's choice. And a few minutes before the end Alex came in with the biggest smile known to man.

Carolina looked at her neck and saw the necklace she and Michael went shopping for. She smiled thinking about how happy Michael made Alex today on that date.

"Oh, look who's back!" Luke said.

"Hey love, how was it? I'm dying I know." Carolina walking over to Alex while putting her bowl in the sink.

Alex sat down at the kitchen table and sighed.

"Hey love, Hey Luke. It was so, it was nice." Alex said. Carolina and Luke glared at her.

"It was nice? Oh, c'mon you can do better than that!" Carolina pushed.

"Damn! Nothing happened really, we ate, we played some games, we came back here and he asked me out." Alex said smiling at the mention that Michael had asked her out.

Luke squealed while Carolina gasped. Either way, they were both happy for her.

"I swear her better take care of you-" Carolina said but it interrupted by Alex.

"Don't worry about it! He'll take perfect care of me. He's so sweet and kind. And trust me when I say if he ever acts up that is the end of MLEX." Alex said taking her heel boots off.

Luke and Carolina looked at each other confused. Luckily, Alex noticed and explained.

"MLEX? Michael and Alex? MLEX?"

It took them a second but they finally understood.

"Well, enough about me, I'm gonna change," Alex said and walked into her room.

The first thing that came to Carolina's mind were the plane tickets. But she feared it would end the happy mojo going on and decided against asking about it. When Alex came in her pjs they talked about Luke going to school with them.

"So today we registered Luke to our school again so he'll be going to our school starting Monday," Carolina said as Alex burst in joy. Luke laughed and blushed because he had never felt so welcome and wanted before.

"Also, today, Carolina cooked for me," Luke said.

"Apparently we're having a sleepover," Alex said.

"I guess we are," Luke said and called Carolina back into the room. She came back and sat on the recliner chair while Luke put in a movie while Alex got snacks to eat while the movie played.

Not even an hour into the movie and they were all asleep. Luke was the last one to sleep. He looked around and saw Alex knocked out on the couch and Carolina sound asleep on the chair. Luke laughed.

"So much for enjoying the luxury of my bed." He said and slept on the smaller couch because it would be unethical to sleep in his bed while they were having a sleepover and the girls were knocked out in the living room. He turned off the tv, covered everyone with blankets and finally went to sleep himself.

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