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Carolina woke up and recognized it was Calum's room. She looked for him and perfect as ever, there he was sitting at his computer desk.


Carolina took a mental picture.

"Cal?" She said. Calum, startled looked back her.

"Oh, you're awake. Good morning."

"Morning," She replied softly.

"Also. Um, thanks." She said. Calum got up from his chair and walked to his bed and sat next to her.

"I'd do anything to keep you safe," Calum said putting his arm around her.

"I have a hard time believing that," Carolina chuckled but all she could see in Calum's eyes was hurt and sadness. 

Calum just smiled and nodded.

"I'm making breakfast, any suggestions?" Calum asked. 

"Do you even have to ask?" She asked.

"Pancakes it is." He smiled.

After Calum made breakfast they ate quietly. Carolina finally decided to explain what happened last night and Calum was shocked.

"You do love kicking balls," Calum said, refrencing their fight in the hallway.

"Men are just shit bags," She replied and Calum couldn't help but agree.

"You know, I defended myself and I got away but I can't help but feel disgusting. I feel violated like it was a possibility and I just can't imagine what it's like for girls who can't say the same." Carolina sighed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help," Calum said twirling his fork.

"It's no one's fault. He's just a perv and I hope he has a scar left from the injury," 

After Carolina left Calum's, she and Luke helped Alex get ready meanwhile Michael called up Calum to come an help him.

"Man, you gotta help me! I'm not good at this!" Michael whined opening the door letting Calum in.

To Michael's surprise Calum wasn't alone. Nonetheless, Ashton Irwin tagged along with Calum.

Michael fake smiled and closed the door before Ashton could walk in.

"Dude what the hell?" Calum said to Michael.

"What the hell is he doing here, Cal?" Michael said trying to keep calm.

"Look, I know you guys might not be the best of friends but just give the lad a chance." Calum said.

Michael stared at Calum long and hard.

"I fucking hate you." Michael said opening the door and let Ashton in, staring him down.

Ashton had to admit, he was pretty scared; Michael's a freaking badass. You never know what he's capable of.

Ashton gave Michael a half-smile. He actually wanted to be Michael's friend, he seemed pretty cool.

"So when's the date?" Calum said trying to break the unwanted tension.

"Today. At 7." Michael said simply.

"Ok guys look, this is gonna be hella weird if you guys don't makeup!" Calum tried.

"He's right so, I'm sorry for what I've done to you and Carolina." Ashton said. Michael stayed unaffected.

"Michael," Calum said.

"Oh wait, I'll be right back." Ashton said and left out the door.

"Great! Now I don't have to deal with his punk ass." Michael spat. Soon Ashton came through the door with two pizza boxes one I. each hand.

"I brought pizza!" Ashton exclaimed. Michaels head snapped towards Ashton direction.

"Buddy! Where have you been?" Michael said hugging Ashton.

 "Now give me the pizza." Michael said and took a box. Calum shook his head and let out a laugh while Ashton felt his mission was completed.

Soon they finished the pizza and started on Michaels wardrobe.

"Is Michael the only one with a girlfriend?" Ashton asked choosing Michael's outfit.

"Yes I am, but Calum's working on it." Michael said and Calum quickly hid his face.

"Oh really? Who's the lucky lady?" Ashton sneered.

"None of your-" Calum tried.

"Carolina!" Michael blurted out leaving Ashton speechless.

"Eh, I kinda saw it happening." Ashton said picking out a white t-shirt with a leather jacket.

"It's complicated, man." Calum sighed.

"Dude, all you have to do is show her that she can trust you and that you can protect her." Michael said.

"Oh and don't forget to show her, you're hers." Ashton added.

"Huh?" Calum said.

"You know, like if someone tries to flirt with you, just back away. Basically act like if you guys are already dating and you don't wanna cheat on her." Ashton said. Calum nodded and Michael looked at the fashion choices Ashton was making for him.

While over at Alex and Luke's apartment they were already getting ready.

"Caro? You mind doing my makeup?" Alex asked.

"Not at all, that's what I'm here for right?" Carolina answered.

"Oh, I'll pick out accessories."Luke exclaimed. Alex sat on the chair with her outfit already on and her hair pulled back, still yet to be done. Carolina got the makeup palettes and started. 

Luke was busy going through Alex's drawers looking for her jewelry.

You would think she had them on top of the drawer but no.

While going through her stuff Luke found a plane ticket to Chicago four months from now. 

He was going to ask but didn't feel like it was the right time. He pretended like he never saw it and thought he would probably forget by the end of the day.

In Carolina's mind the only thing that filled it was Calum.

What were they? Friends with benefits? Do they go out?

Carolina wants to go out with Calum but doesn't trust him. Sometimes she just thinks that he's trying to act like he's really sorry just to get in her pants and make fun of her or something.

But then again she always had trusted Calum it was just those two months that made her rethink. Calum was a good guy but then again so was the old lady on the street who tried to kidnap this little boy in her neighborhood.

Carolina shook her head and just thought about what she was doing she didn't need all the extra drama right now.

"All done!" Carolina exclaimed and handed Alex a mirror.

"Oh god that's pretty!" Alex smiled. Carolina thanked her and started doing Alex's hair. She planned on doing her in loose curls which would look beautiful with her light brown hair.

30 minutes of curling Alex's hair and getting her finger burned once in a while Carolina finally finished and started putting hair spray on the curls. They walked out of the bathroom and Luke was left speechless.

"You look beautiful!" Luke hugged her.

"Haha, thanks but do I look like I'm overdoing it?" Alex said doubting herself.

"No no no, you look fine, but try these on and see how it looks." Luke said pointing to the extra things that would make her outfit pop.

Soon after putting the things on she was complimented by Luke and Carolina. But then heard a knock on the door. Alex squealed and rushed to the door.

"Hello," Michaels said handing her a rose. Alex kissed him on the cheek grabbed her purse and left with him.

"Bye, you two!!" Luke waved.

"Have fun!!" Carolina said, "But not too much fun!!" She quickly added.

The happy couple drove off leaving Carolina and Luke to watch movies all day.

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