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For days now Carolina has been keeping an eye on Calum. 

She has noticed that every day when it's time to go to 5th period Calum goes to his locker, everyone meets him there, they talk, they leave an he stays behind just staring at nothing. 

No one is in the hallway just him. She planned to talk to him then.

On a whole nother note Alex and Michael have been keeping in touch, sparking a fire between the two. Although he has only known her for 4 days he felt a special connection with Alex. He plans on taking her out on a date and maybe if he grew the balls to he would ask her out.

Alex, on the other hand, has always had goggly eyes for Michael. At first, just his bad-boy stereo-type reeled her in but now that she knows him she likes him even more. The way he can just start a conversation about anything is a check-off on her list. 

Today was Friday and Carolina planned to talk to Calum today. She wasn't going to go to school until 5th period. She kept thinking of what would happen when she talked to him.

Would he beat me to death?
Will we become friends again?
Will I accept his apology?
Will he apologize at all?

Pros and Cons of talking to Calum ran through her mind. It was 9:05 am and she was gonna go to school at 2.

She took a bite of the apple and hopped on the couch. She flipped through the channels and stopped at the mention of the Kardashians, but resumed when it was something she already knew. She finally stopped and got satisfied watching Glee, although she never got any of it.

On the other hand Calum was just now waking up from a text from Victoria.

Victoria: heyyy bby, u awake? u should be bc I can't wait to see your sexy devil lookin ass.

Calum rolled his eyes and groaned at the text.

He was tired of her constant flirting and clinginess.

 He hated how every time he would hang out with Ashton and the guys she would always be there. Laughing the hardest and loudest and everyone's jokes. And it wasn't cute nor was it attractive. 

When they're alone all she wants to do is make out or have sex and if Calum said otherwise she would literally start crying and say Calum doesn't love her which was true but Calum wasn't going to tell her that. Calum was sick of it!

He hated the taste of the green shakes that she made him drink. He hated her strong perfume. He also hated how her hair always smells like flat iron and hair products.

Calum, now thinking it over, doesn't even know why he agreed to go out with Victoria. Cheerleaders are way out of his league. 

Calum had expectations and limits. Victoria failed to reach any of those expectations and passed all those limits. He grabbed his phone and called Victoria breaking up with her deciding that he didn't want to deal with her in person.

He went into his bathroom and got ready for a day of school, he dreaded. He didn't like bullying Carolina but he did it to save face.

He gets a ride to school from Ashton and they talk.

"I did it," Calum said simply. Ashton already understanding.

"Finally!" Ashton exclaimed, "I longed for the day somebody dumped her sorry ass." Ashton chuckled.

"It's been getting annoying. She was getting annoying." Calum sighed. Ashton patted his back.

"Now we can really have guy time!" Ashton almost yelled and Calum laughed while fist pumping the air.

Parking in front of the school they exited Ashton's black BMW. As soon as Ashton and Calum entered they were surrounded by cheerleaders.

"Why'd you break up with our girl Vicky?" Brittany smacked her teeth. "Was she not good enough for you? Pfft, I bet you only wanted to get into her pants."

"Actually ladies, I think she only wanted to get into my pants." Calum retorted pointing to his groin. "So if you will excuse me, I wouldn't want to be late for algebra," Calum added before shoving past them. Ashton have them a high five and they made their way to class.

"Someone needed to put them in their place." Calum said. Ashton chuckled.

"And it wasn't gonna be me." Ashton said making Calum laugh. Calum felt free. Maybe it won't be so bad. 

The day finally came to an end and it was eventful to say the least.

 Victoria tried to get the whole soccer team against him. Luckily, the guys knew better than to trust Victoria. Then she would try to start a scene with Calum while everyone was looking but he would always end up embarrassing her.

He went to locker as always and the boys went to his locker to tell him they were going clubbing. Calum wasn't down for that idea so he kindly rejected the offer. Soon they all left and Calum stayed behind.

Carolina started making her way to the school's doors. She entered the school and made her way to Calum locker. 

She saw Calum standing at his locker and butterflies started fluttering. She just stood there paralyzed. Calum heard her breathing and turned around.

"Carolina?" Calum whispered, looking at her.

"You're not going to call me a slut?" Carolina asked.

"N-No." Calum replied hesitantly.

"Right, right. Because I'm not one, right? Or is it because your buddies aren't around and you onlly perform for them?" Carolina hissed, anger building.

"No! I'm not a slut! and you know that Calum, what's wrong with you?" She said placing her hand against his cheek. He embraced her but then snapped.

"Don't touch me!" He said pinning her hands against the locker above her head. She could hear him breathing. She was mad but she couldn't help but feel sympathy toward her best friend.

Calum's breathing quickened. He lets her hands go and he punches the space beside Carolina's head making her flinch. 

She slowly turns her head to face Calum. They stared into each other's eyes. Calum slowly leaned in and placed his lips on hers. Carolina tried to push him away but his grip on her waist was strong. She gave in and kissed back, Calum felt all his guilt melt away as he proved his true feelings. She began to move her hand up his chest to place them on his neck.  Although they didn't want to they pulled away Calum biting on her lip.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that," Calum spoke softly.

 "I'm sorry for being a jackass, asshole, you name it I was it. But I'm not like that, and we both know that. I'm sorry for every insult I made, I was just dumb and let other people influence me. In reality, all I want is you, Carolina." Calum finished trying to make eye contact.

"I can't, Calum. We can't," She said before pushing him off and running out the school doors.

* * *

carolina said fuck yo dumbass, peeweeit.


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