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After Carolina ran out of the school, she went to her house and into her room. She laid on the floor staring at the ceiling thinking about what just happened.

Calum kissed her.

She smiled at the thought.

But he bullied you... Tortured you... betrayed you... you can't like him after all he did.

Her conscious spoke.

But he's not like that. He even apologized, he was confused and frustrated and I wanna help why him as his best friend or girlfriend.

Carolina thought defending Calum.

Girlfriend?! You can't be serious, Caro. He's probably just playing with you.

Her conscious played on.

"Well I-I think I like Calum and if he is playing with me then, I don't know." She sighed, placing her hands over her face.

" Plus we don't know his intentions but maybe we'll get lucky and they might be good." She said sitting up while thinking out loud. "But what if it's all a trick to get in my pants. What if he abuses me while we date. Date? What if he just wants to hook up. Ugh!" Carolina said laying back on the floor. 

Lost in thought, Carolina got startled by her phone when it started ringing. She sat up and looked at the flashing screen, the caller ID read : Calum Thomas the Train Hood

"Hello." She spoke.

"Are you okay? Why'd you run and where are you?" Calum asked, worry enlaced in his voice.

"Yea, I'm okay. Um, Calum. You do realize you're seriously fucking with me, right? Like you spent most of the entire month making sure I wasn't happy and for what reason? We switched on me and all your friends out of nowhere. I think I'm in the right to have run out." She said.

Calum didn't know how to respond, the situation was fucked up.

"I know, Carolina. Trust me, I regretted every part of it,"

"Yet you never stopped, never defended me." She said.

"Carolina, I'm sorry. Okay? Believe me, I don't know what overcame me to act in that manner, I never want to hurt you. I mean this as the boy who grew up with you and has always cared about you, as your best friend and hopefully boyfriend. So please, believe me when I say I am so sorry." He finished.

"Calum, like you said you're not like that and we both know it. Popularity just got to you, I just don't know how you could switch personalities." Carolina contemplated.

"I let it get the best of me and I hurt the people I love the most," Calum said, hoping she'd hear the sincerity in his voice.

"Okay, Calum. You need to clean up your act, be a man and accept your errors and put the past behind you. Do I forgive you? Not yet."

Calum smiled. "Yes, of course. I will cut my ties with all the toxic people in that group, I'll make amends with my true friends and I will definitely work towards your forgiveness." Calum stated and Carolina's heart couldn't help but race.

"So what does this make us?" Calum asked.

"We're friends, Calum." Carolina rolled her eyes at the boy's eagerness.

"What about boyfriend and girlfriend?" He tried

"Nope... not yet."

Meanwhile, Michael was planning his date with Alex. He chose to take her to Dave and Busters. Michael decided to go to the mall and buy Alex a gift to show how hard he's working to get her to like him.

Hah! Little did he know Alex was already head over heels for him.

He was already thinking about what the gift was going to be. A necklace probably? Or is that too clićhe, he thought. Maybe I should take Carolina with me. He decided to call Carolina.

"Hellooo?" Carolina asked cheerfully.

"I would ask why your so happy but I have no time and I'm tryna get to the point which is, will you go with me to the mall?" Michael said.

"For what reason?" She said.

"Oh, I'ma buy Alex a necklace for our date tomorrow and I need some feminine advice," Michael said awkwardly.

"Oh my god, you finally grew the balls to ask her out?" Carolina asked excitedly.

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon Mikey. I can see you basically drooling when you're with Alex. Anyways, I'm glad you asked her out, you guys would make cute babies."

"Argh! Just tell me if your coming."

"Yes, I'll come so stop begging gosh!" Carolina laughed. Michael sighed in relief.

"Ok, I'll pick you up after I drop off Alex at her house. I'll just text you."

"Okay, sounds good." Carolina said.

"Bye Mikey."

"Bye Caro and thanks for your help."

"No problem." She said and hung up. 

Michael stepped out of the stall and ran into nonetheless Calum.

"Hey, your back!" Calum exclaimed when he saw him in the hallway. Michael didn't say anything he just glared at Calum.

"Look I'm sorry about how I've been acting lately. Carolina came to talk to me and we kissed." Calum started and Michael looked at him in shock.

"Although she did run away after, we talked and I apologized. I'll be working on regaining her trust and forgiveness and I miss being your friend, too, Michael. So I was hoping I could also work on regaining your friendship. Plus, I could use some advice right now." Calum said. 

Michael went by unaffected by Calum's words.

"And why should I believe you?" Michael asked with an attitude.

"Like I told Carolina, I'm not like that. You know that. I guess popularity got the best of me..."

"No kidding but how do I know you're not just gonna go back to your 'popular' ways?" Michael mocked.

"Because I love you guys too much to ever do that, again. I was truly miserable and I never wanted to hurt you or Carolina or any others."

"Then why did you?"

"Victoria would tell me too and if I didn't I thought she would break up with me and I was so wrapped up on being popular I didn't want her to break up with me. But I broke up with her today because she wasn't worth losing you guys, also she was an annoying little shit. So I just want my real friends back."Calum said sincerely.

"You won't kiss me will you?"Michael joked, referring to Carolina and him kissing.

Calum smiled noticing his friends were coming back to him.

"I missed ya man!" Michael smiled and hugged Calum. Calum laughed and hugged him back.

They walked down the hall together.

"Now; about these girl troubles..."

* * *

literally, all i want is for calum to be happy.

you know, he's the only single guy in 5sos rn and i think that's a sign for me and him to date, what do yall think?


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