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It was Monday and Carolina was eager to go to school today solely because Luke would be attending school with her.

He would receive his class schedule today and she prayed they would at least have one class together.

Once she got ready for school, she went downstairs and was surprised to see her mom on the couch sipping on coffee.

"Hey, mom. Whatcha doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work or something?" Carolina whispered getting closer to her. Her mom didn't jump or get scared of Carolina's unknown presence.

"Oh, nothing just had a lot on my mind," She sniffed, "Decided to take a day off work." She said. 

Carolina noticed the sniffling and stood in front of her to get a closer look. Her heart broke when she saw dark circles under her dark brown swollen eyes.

Carolina crouched in front of her mom.

"Mom, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Carolina said worriedly. She hated expressing her feelings but it was her mom and she'd do any and everything to make sure she's safe and protected.

Carolina's mom, Carmen, stared at her daughter. A single tear fell from her eyes and she quickly wiped it away. Carolina stared at Carmen with concern.

What was troubling her mom? How long has it gone on for? and most certainly how could she help to stop it?

"What's wrong, momma tell me." Carolina pleaded, rubbing her Mom's thigh.

"It's your father," Carmen stated with a sigh as she looked into Carolina's eyes. "He left." She said before sobbing and Carolina stared at her mom break down as she processed the information.

"Sh, it's ok. We don't need him. Look, calm down," Carolina said wiping Carmen's tears and putting her hair behind her ears. 

"It'll be okay. As long as it's you and me, we'll make through together. I will protect you and will let no one hurt you. As long as you got me you don't have to worry about anything." Carolina smiled and Carmen smiled back wiping some leftover tears.

"Oh honey, how I wish I was as strong as you are." Carmen chuckled. Carolina nodded.

"Is it okay if I ask what happened?" Carolina asked hesitantly.

 Of course, Carolina was shocked that her dad left but in reality, she did not care. She never was close to him and he never bothered to connect with her.

"Well, we had been arguing a bit because he started to come home late and you and I both know that his boss would not keep your father until 1 AM." She said and Carolina nodded. "He was cheating, long story short. Of course, he denied it but I wouldn't stop talking about it so he left."

Carolina remained quiet. She had nothing to say. Carmen spoke once again.

"I know this is a shock for you but just know that this problem will just make us stronger. You can always come to me for anything, no matter what. I love you Carolina. You never needed anything from anyone. You're and strong and independent person. And anyone who says otherwise is a fool." Carmen said.

Carolina engulfed Carmen in a hug. Carmen squeezed Carolina. Carolina missed these hugs. She remembers when she was little every day she would receive a hug like this, life was much easier.

"I love you, too" Carolina said. "Don't worry mom, we'll get through it together." Carolina said holding her hand. Carmen smiled.

"We'll talk later, gotta go." Carolina said.

"Wait, aren't you gonna eat, let me cook you some breakfast and I'll drop you off at school." Carmen offered. Carolina basically shined with joy, she hadn't had a homemade breakfast in a while. Carmen always left early for work so Carolina couldn't blame her.

"Okay." Carolina smiled. Carmen smiled and nodded and headed to the kitchen. She could already feel their bond getting stronger. Carolina set her book bag on the couch and sat beside it.

As soon as she turned on the TV she heard the sizzling. Also she could hear the faint doorbell ring.

"Got it!" She yelled and hopped off the couch and walked to the front door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It me." Said the person. Carolina basically jumped in glee and let the door swing open. Calum smiled and opened his arms signaling a desire for a hug. Carolina hugged Calum and stepped aside so he could enter.

As so as he did his stomach grumbled.

"Wow! It smells good." Calum said. Suddenly Carmen's head popped out of the kitchen window.

"Oh hi Calum! Nice seeing you around. You hungry?" Carmen asked.

"Hi Mrs. Black, and yea I guess." Calum said.

"When you get to school you're going to freak out." Carolina said. Calum frowned but smiled.

"Oh trust me you'll love it." Carolina nodded.

Soon Calum and Carolina were called into the kitchen. They walked in just to see two plates of scrambled eggs, two pancakes and three pieces of bacon. Carolina's jaw dropped. It smelled and looked delicious.

"Oh, and there's a pot of fresh coffee and if you don't want that there's a carton of orange juice and milk in the fridge." Carmen said sipping her coffee. "Enjoy!" She said and left.

Carolina looked at Calum who looked like he was ready to devour the whole plate. They walked over to the plates and sat down.

"Orange juice, coffee or milk? Calum asked Carolina.

"Coffee please." She said eating the bacon which tasted like heaven just meatier and crispier. Calum poured her a cup of coffee and himself, a cup of orange juice.

They finished their food and Carmen got her keys to drive them to school. They all got in the car and she started driving.

"Bye, Ma! Love you." Carolina said closing the car door behind her.

"Bye, Mrs. Black, and thanks for the food once again." Calum waved and Carmen waved bye back before driving off.

Carolina and Calum walked to the school door just as Carolina was about to walk in her steps paused and her phone rang. She had gotten a text from Luke.

Lukey poo-p : I'm hereeee

Carolina read it and turned her phone off. She smiled at Calum.

Oh boy, was he in for a surprise.

  * * *

hey yall whats poppin' old me had this thing called : the song of the chapter so i'll keep that 

 TSOTC is: Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey.

enjoy <3

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