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Michael had left a couple minutes ago to take Alex to their date, leaving Calum and Ashton alone in his house.

It's amazing how long Michael's parents trusted him alone in the house.

"So what'd you do yesterday, mate?" Calum asked opening a bag of chips.

"Umm, I went for a run then I went to the park with my brother and sister and then I had a hook up with Brittany," Ashton said as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Calum almost choked. "Mate, you could have left that last part out," Calum said.

"Nah, there's a reason I brought it up," Ashton said staring at Calum seriously.

"I've never seen you so serious what's wrong, mate?" Calum scooted closer to Ashton.

"I, just, nevermind. I never said anything." Ashton said getting up and heading towards the door. Calum leaped off the couch and sprinted towards the door standing in front of it.

"No. You're not leaving until you tell me what's wrong. And don't tell me it's nothing because there surely is." Calum said sternly.

Ashton looked at Calum and pinned him to the wall.

"Sorry, mate," Ashton whispered and smashed his lips onto Calum's. Ashton did nothing more but moved his lips against Calum's while Calum stood shocked.

He didn't move his lips. He didn't move anything.

Ashton removed his lips from Calum's and just stared at Calum.

"I-I'm so sorry! I just- I needed to make sure! It's not you- I just," Ashton rambled but got cut off by Calum talking.

"No, No. It's okay it's just, do you like me?" Calum asked more in a whisper.

"No, not you. I've just been, there's a reason I brought up my hook up with Brittany," Ashton said sitting on the couch, staring at nothing.

"Go on," Calum said sitting across from him.

"And, it didn't feel right. This is weird." Ashton said shoving his face into his palms.

"No, No. C'mon mate, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you and whatever you tell my ears will never leave my lips." Calum said.

Ashton looked up and sighed. "I-I think I might be gay." Ashton breathed out. Calum just stared at him. Ashton started panicking. "I knew this would happen! I should have just kept it to myself! It's fine if you don't wanna talk-"

"Ashton!" Calum yelled getting Ashton's attention.

 "It's okay, It's totally fine! I'm not gonna judge you just because you're gay, other people might but fuck them! I will never judge you unless you do something crazy like rob a fucking bank but I know you wouldn't do that, now I'm getting off track." Calum said and smiled at his worried friend.

"My point is, even though others might judge you, I won't," Calum said putting his hand on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton nodded his head slowly. Knowing Calum wouldn't use it against him was a huge relief and he was glad he could confide in Calum.

Ashton had been questioning his preferences for while. It started off as a mere curiosity and then become a true worry of his.

"Thanks, mate." He said hugging Calum.

 "So, how'd you know?" Calum asked.

"Well, it started before school began. I saw this couple at the market and I wondered if I could ever be with a man. Then I started doubting myself, that's why I had that hook up with Brittany."

"And earlier today, I saw this boy in the park that I swear was sent from heaven. All I could think about was him. I wasn't really that close but I could tell he had these beautiful blue eyes, and his hair was really blonde and,"Ashton stopped. "Oh, god I sound like a teenage girl..." Ashton said, his eyes wide open. Calum let out a chuckle.

"Nah, it's alright. If you ever need someone to talk about this stuff. I'll always be here, I won't partake of course," Calum smiled.

"But won't that make you uncomfortable?" Ashton said.

"Hey, what're friends for?" Calum asked. Ashton nodded.

"I don't have anyone else to talk to anyway," Ashton said.

"So I'm the first one to know?" Calum asked.

"Mate, c'mon I said I think I am, I'm not sure yet." Ashton sassed.

"I can already see the change," Calum said motioning circles around Ashton's face. Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." Ashton groaned. Calum laughed.

Luckily, the awkward tension faded away. After then conversation they had, they continued to hang out. Basically watching soccer games and eating chips while sharing small talk.

~the date~

While 'First Date' blasting through the speakers, as clićhe as it is, Michael and Alex were jamming to it. They finally got to Dave&Busters and they walked in.

Michael had called early and reserved a booth in the back. They sat across from eachother and ordered two Bud Lights and burgers with wings.

"You look beautiful," Michael said smiling at Alex.

"Thank you very much." Alex blushed. "As do you," Alex said trying to play it off cool but quickly backfired.

"But you know guy form, uh handsome? No your too hot for handsome. Wait did I just say that out loud? Oh god, I did. Um, what I meant to say was you look cute. I-I just forget I even said anything." Alex finally finished.

 She blushed incredibly and put her head in her palms and laughed. Michael laughed even more than he had already laughed while she rambled. Michael reached across and took her hands.

"Don't worry about it. You're cute when you're nervous. Even more when you blush and look like a red tomato." He chuckled. Alex laughed.

"Oh god." She said laughing even more.

The rest of the date had gone perfectly fine. It was time to go back home, sadly. Michael walked to his car hand in hand with Alex. He opened the door and let her in. He walked to the other side and started the car and drove to her apartment. He walked her front door and just as she was about to know he pulled out the necklace.

"Alex, wait." He said and she turned around to look at the necklace. 

"I like you, more than a friend, that was the whole reason for the date, actually me asking you to be my girlfriend was the whole reason for it, which I'm going to do right now, Will you be my girlfriend?" Michael said holding the necklace. 

Alex just stared at him with a straight face but soon broke into a bright smile and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She said. Michael laughed but tapped her shoulder to let her know to let go.

"Oh sorry." She smiled.

"Well as your boyfriend, I would like to give you this." He said an put the necklace on her neck.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful. Thank you!" She said hugging him once more. He didn't hesitant to place a kiss on her lips. It was a small sweet and gentle kiss. They both pulled away and hugged each other for one last time.

"I had a great time." Alex said pecking his cheek. Michael nodded. "Bye, Michael." She said and walked into her apartment.

"Bye." He said and she closed the door behind her.

Wrong Love , c.t.h.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora