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Michael and Carolina woke up to Carolina's phone ringing, well Carolina woke up to her phone ringing, Michael just shifted. Carolina escaped from Michaels grip and grabbed her phone. It was Alex.

"Hello," Carolina said half asleep.

"Where the hell are you?!" Alex said practically yelling.

"Michael's house," Carolina replied, forgetting her friend was interested in the boy beside her.

"Oh," Alex answered. Carolina could hater the disappointment in her voice.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything," Carolina explained, not trying to be too explicit.

"Alright, well see ya later, love. Bye." Alex said, her mood suddenly more cheerful.

"Mhm, bye, love," Carolina said. Although the call didn't go dead you could hear the teacher.

"Alex? Are you on the phone?" Yelled the teacher. "Nothing!" Alex yelled innocently. "byegottago!" Alex whispered an hung up. Carolina chuckled at Alex's actions.

Carolina turned around and faced her next mission: waking up Gordon Clifford.

"Oh dear gosh." She said.

After 30 minutes of attempting to wake Michael up, they got to school. As soon as Michael opened the school door Carolina, she thanked him and walked in. 

They walked pass Calum and his click. Michael just looked down at Carolina and nodded as if to say, "Its okay, I'm here."

As soon as Calum set eyes on the two anger rushed through his body.

"Oh look, it's the two freaks. Where were you guys? Missed you in first period." Calum yelled getting the attention of others around them. Carolina felt Michael about to turn around so, she held onto Michael's arm. 

"Don't," She said sternly. They just kept walking.

"Hey, Michael, how much did she make you pay to be with her? Couldn't have been much, I can tell you that." Calum said. Now, anger flushed through Michael but Carolina just tightened her grip on Michael's arm.

Carolina wasn't a violent person but she hated being silent. Carolina turned around and punched Calum's nose, obviously breaking it and kicked him in the groin. 

That was enough to set Calum off and he pushed Carolina into the nearby lockers, knocking the wind out of her. She struggled to regain her breath and just made eye contact with Calum and that was enough to make him feel guilty for the day. 

But leaving Calum feel guilty wasn't enough for Michael. Michael ran towards Calum and slammed him against the locker. Getting ready to punch Calum, Michael looked at Calum in the eyes.

"Why? Why'd you change? This isn't you, mate." Michael said. Calum knew he was hurting his closest friends but he forgot about the pain he caused them.

"Fuck you, man." Calum spat.

Michael shook his head then punched Calum. Calum groaned in pain but kneed Michael in the stomach. He slammed Calum against the locker over and over until the teacher split them up.

"What the hell is going on here?" The teacher yelled. "Both of you to the principle, now!" The teacher said leaving them no time to respond.

"She started it," Victoria said pointing at Carolina who was on the floor.

"You two ladies go to the nurse."The teacher said. Victoria and Carolina walked to the nurse and once they were far enough Victoria spoke.

"You know, I thought God could never make mistakes but then I met you-"

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