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As the few days ended, I was able to go back to school. Mina was the first one to greet me and she was crying. I told her that it wasn't her fault but she didn't listen. After a few minutes, Mina stopped crying and we laughed it off. For some odd reason I would always pass by Mr. Aizawa more often and it makes me feel something. UGH! I hate passing him in the hall and seeing him in class. It's been a couple of days sense the incident happened and it felt like my feelings for Mr. Aizawa was growing more and more. I don't want to feel this way. It's not right to like your teacher and he's like 24 years older than you Y/N! Ugh! I know that I have feelings for him but I don't want it to be true. I want it to be a dream. What if he doesn't like me back. Ohh, this is why I was worried.

?: "Y/N?, Y/N? Hello, Earth to Y/N?"

Me: "Huh, oh Kirishima, what do you need?"

Kirishima: "I actually need some advice, can you come to my room so we can talk?"

Me: "Yeah, that's fine with me. Do you want to go right now?"

Kirishima: "yeah, that's fine."

Me and Kirishima made it to the dorms and we both went to the elevator so we could head to Kirishima's room. Once we got there, he opened the door and I saw his room for the first time. I wandered around and agreed to myself that this is definitely Kirishima's room.

Me: "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Kirishima: "Ok so, I might like someone."

Me: "Oh my god, is it the moment?"

Kirishima: "What moment?"

Me: "Nothing but anyways first, is it a boy or a girl."

Kirishima: "Do I need to tell you that part?"

Me: "Umm yes?"

Kirishima: "Oh did I not tell you? I'm gay."

Me: "Ohh ok I wasn't sure, is it Bakugou?"

Kirishima: "Maybe."

Me: "oh my god, it is him."

Kirishima: "Ok fine it is."

Me: "AAAHHH I knew it. My ship is finally sailing. But, you need to tell him how you feel."

Kirishima: "Oh no, I'm not doing that."

Me: "Why not?"

Kirishima: "He doesn't like me back. He's straight."

Me: "Ok first off, he's bi and second i'm pretty sure that he likes you."

Kirishima: "Wait, he's bi?"

Me: "Yes and who wouldn't want to date you. I mean yes sometimes you can be a little dumb but you have good intentions. You are nice, hardworking, and manly."

Kirishima: "Do you really think that?

Me: "Think about it, I know it. Look, just confess your feelings to him. Take the risk. Or let me invite him over.

Kirishima: "Oh my god, don't please. I'm not ready."

Me: "You are ready, and plus I won't put it out there. I'll invite him to have a hangout and I'll pop the question "So, let's talk about crushes." Ok?"

Kirishima: "I guess."

Me: "Ok good. I'm going to call him."

I unlocked my phone and went through my contacts. I stepped out of the room and I pressed his name so it could call him.

Aizawa x Y/N (student reader)Where stories live. Discover now