The attack

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It was about a month of my secret relationship with Shouta and it was the best relationship that I had. He's handsome, charming, surprisingly funny, and he treats me right. I was in class watching Shouta teach and then there was a villain attack.

Shouta: "Everyone! Get your costumes and get ready to fight! The LOV is attacking UA!"

We all went to get our costumes and when we all came back there were Nomus everywhere.

Denki: "What do we do?"

Bakugou: "Did you listen to Mr. Aizawa?! We need to fight!"

Me: "Bakugou is right, everyone, be prepared for anything. But whatever you do, do not let these Nomus attack anyone else. Got it?"

Everyone: "Yes! Plus Ultra!"

We started fighting them and after we defeated them, we needed to go find Shouta.

Me: "We need to find Sho- Mr. Aizawa."

Iida: "She's right, let's go."

We all heard a big explosion in the front of the school and we all went over there. Once we got there we saw the LOV we're fighting and Shouta took a good beating from them. The nomu was going to hit him but I went in front of him and took the blow. Shouta and I both fell backwards and my head started to bleed a little.

Shouta: "Y/N! Why did you do that! You could have gotten killed!"

Me: "I know, but that is what heroes do! Protect others!"

He didn't say anything else and helped me stand up.

SHouta: "Everyone, we need to hold them off before they reach the school. Got it?"

Everyone and me: "Yes, Mr. Aizawa!."

Shouta: "Good! Now fight."

(No one's POV)

They all lunged at them and started to take down the Nomus. The LOV started to summon more Nomus and everyone had their own to take down. Everyone got through all of the Nomus and they all thought that they had won until the LOV sent the same type of Nomu that attacked them but this time, it was way bigger and more stronger. Iida, Momo, and Sero were the first ones to go up to it but they barely made a dent on it. They fly and hit the floor really hard. Others tried to hit it but they were all pushed back. The only one's left were Y/N, Bakugou, Midoryia, and Shouta.


I started to pant and saw that almost everyone got knocked out. I looked around at who was left and it was Bakugou, Midoryia, and Shouta. I turned around and saw Nomu lunged at me. Before I knew it, Midoryia shoves me out of the way and gets hit back really hard.

Me: "Midoryia!"

I ran towards him to see if he was okay and saw that he was knocked out. I started to tear up and turned around and saw Bakugou pissed.

Bakugou: "You fucking bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

He blastes himself towards the nomu and is able to finally hit it. I grabbed Midoriya and went to Mina. I saw that she was weak as well as everyone else.

Mina: "Go. I'll take him."

I nodded at her and ran back to the battle. I used my weapons that I had and made a few scratches. I blasted some sonic waves towards the nomu and Bakugou did the same thing. Shouta wrapped the nomu with his scarf and was able to pin it down. The Nomu suddenly stops moving and falls onto the floor. I went up to it, thinking that it passed out. But it opened its eyes and stood up and ripped the scarf. This caused a blow and I fell from the wind. I noticed that the local news helicopter was here because I could hear the beeping. Bakugou ran up to it again and got hit back, landing on me, making us both fly backwards. We both hit the floor but I didn't feel the hard concrete. I opened my eyes and saw that Bakugoug flipped us over. I was shocked to the point that I couldn't move.

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