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Today we were doing some hero training and we had to spar with someone. I chose to do it with Mina while everyone had to watch. But the catch is that someone needed to win and obviously, I want to win. We spar like usual but something felt different. It was as like my quirk was changing. I wasn't paying attention when she threw some acid at me. I looked back and dodged it. But the acid got on the building, making it start to crumble.

Mina: "Y/N RUN!"

I turned around and saw the building start to crumble.

Mr. Aizawa: "Y/N! Get out of there!"

I start to run towards Mina and start to dodge different parts of the building collapsing. I looked and saw that Mina wasn't as far anymore and I placed my hand out so it could possibly help me.

Mina: "Watch out!"

I stop running for some reason and looked up. I saw as the top of the building was coming down. I knew that I wasn't going to make it.

The top of the building was coming closer and I closed my eyes and protected my head with my arms.

(No one's POV)

The whole class watch because they couldn't do anything.

Bakugou: "Is there nothing that we can do!?"

Mr. Aizawa: "No, there isn't! I would be out there but it can become a bigger issue than it needs to be."

Y/N was struggling but was slowly making her way through to reach Mina. But, the top of the building was starting to come down.

Mina: "Watch out!"

The whole class looked at what Mina was talking about and was scared. They saw as Y/N stopped and looked up.

Mr. Aizawa: "What is she doing?!"

Momo: "Y/N!"

All of the sudden, something goes around Y/N and the top of the building covers her.

(Aizawa's POV)

Everyone:  "Y/N!"

I couldn't say anything but just ran out of the building and ran inside the arena.

Me: "Everyone stay here and call for the teachers!"

I tried to look around but everything was dusty.

Me: "Y/N! MINA!"

I started to run in the direction that the building was. I saw a figure running towards me.

Mina: "Mr. Aizawa!"

Me: "Oh thank god, Mina!"

She was covered in dust and was crying.

Mina: "I'm sorry! I didn't know that was going to happen!"

Me: "Hey, hey. It's okay, we all didn't know that was going to happen. What I need you to do is to go back to where everyone is. Can you do that for me?"

She nods and start running back.

I continued to search for Y/N. After a while, I started to give up but then I finally reached the building that fell. I ran towards it and started to look around.

Me: "Y/N! Y/N!"

The dust was way heavier  than before which made it worst. I removed some pieces of the ruble and in the distance, I noticed something, it looked like a body. As I got closer, I saw who's body it was.

Aizawa x Y/N (student reader)Where stories live. Discover now