Hero Names

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Today was the day that everyone had to choose their hero names. Everyone was excited as usual which made the expectations higher.

"Excited for today?"

"Yes I am Kiri, it's just gonna be hard for me because at the moment I'm not that creative."

"I'm pretty sure that you'll find something Y/N."

The both of them walked inside and sat down. Then Mr. Aizawa came in.

"Today, you guys will be picking your Hero names and presenting them to Midnight."

Everyone watched as she walked in. Mineta and Denki were drooling which wasn't a surprise.

"Use the rest of the time for your hero names and if you don't choose one, you'll be given a hero name."

Everyone used the white boards on their desk and thought about different names. Mina was the first to go and Midnight didn't approve of it. Then Aoyama went up and presented his hero name.

"I cannot stop twinkling!"

Everyone was weak as fuck about his hero name.

"Take off the "I" and put "can't" instead."

"Yes, what a splendid idea."

"There's no way that she liked that instead of Mina's."

After that, Tsu came up and Midnight loved it which gave everyone hope for theirs. Then everyone came up one by one. Y/N was having a hard time to pick. Bakugou could tell and came over to her desk.

"Hey, having a hard time?"

"Honestly... yeah... I'm not that creative when under pressure."

"Okay... that happens, do you have at least an idea?"

"I thought about having Lady first and then add something. I want something that represents my quirk but I don't know how."

"Okay, I can't really help you with that because I really don't know anything that represents music."

"Well, I'll think about something."

"Did you pick a name yet?"

"Yeah but she didn't like it."

"What was it?"

"Great explosion murder!"

Y/N gave him a look.


"That's not an appropriate name."

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not! It has murder in it!"

Bakugou grumbles and sighs.

"Okay fine!"

Bakugou walked back to his seat and Y/N lightly chuckled. Everyone was slowly going up and Y/N was slowly starting to form her hero name.

"Alright, who's next?"

Y/N stood up and walked to the podium.

"The music heroine: Lady Muses"

"Hmm, Lady Muses... where did you get the inspiration?"

"In Greek mythology, the Muses were 9 sister goddesses of the arts and science. They were recognized as the source of knowledge embodied in poetry and lyric songs."

"Wow... I absolutely love it!"

She smiled at Midnight and went back to her seat. 

Hey! Sorry for not updating but if you haven't noticed, I'm changing some parts of the story to make it better. Hope you have a wonderful day and be safe out there! 

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