Chapter 1: Like a Lucid Dream

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I wasn't even sure how I got here as I swirled my scotch in my hand, the ice already melting. I was currently vacationing near Saint Tropez, France. I had only come to the city to sneak on Leo's rented yacht for one of his famous parties. It was still a fog how I had done that too, sipping more alcohol as my 24 year old self felt a bit tipsy. I brushed my straight, long black hair with bangs from my face as I maneuvered through the sea of female models. My light blue eyes scanned the area, since I was still searching for Leo. I at least wanted a glimpse of my favorite celebrity, knowing I would never pass for his type. I was just a normal girl who had worked her butt off to afford a plane ticket here. The only thing that might help me stand out was my bold red lipstick, me keeping my black v-cut dress simple. I stood at the edge of the grand vessel as I studied the waves lightly lapping at the sides below. I sucked in air as I got a temporary headache from the noisy music. I wasn't fond of loud sounds, squeezing past a group of blondes to sit on one of the couches. I crossed my ankles as I drained the remainder of my beverage, my heart stopping when I saw him. The sunset was reflecting past his face just right, giving him an angelic effect. I left my glass behind with my lipstick staining the rim, gliding up to where he was surrounded by brunettes. I squared my shoulders as I calmed myself, trying to act as though I fit in with this crowd. I couldn't decipher his words as he chatted animatedly with the girls, idly waiting like a sore thumb. Before I had the chance to catch up to him, it was announced that it was time for the messages in a bottle. We were supposed to write a personal letter and then store it in the container. Then they were to be put in a tub full of water so that we could let go of the secrets. Normally they would be thrown in the ocean, but Leo didn't want to pollute the sea. I sat in a quiet area as the other models seemed to just be laughing and goofing off as they scribbled things down. I took time on my piece of paper though, making it a wish more than anything.

Dear Leo,

You'll never see this, just as I'm destined to let go of it for forever, in a tub of your water no doubt. Anyway, I know that our paths will never cross, and I could only ever dream of catching a glimpse of you, which did just happen. Anyway, please ignore my repetitiveness and unsure words. I'm a bit tipsy at the moment, which I blame on you and your expensive scotch. Anyway, please don't mind my repeated words, I just wanted to say that if our eyes never meet or our lips, that I will always love you. I know you're a celebrity worlds away, but it's true. You're a mirage that I will forever hold onto, and one that will never morph into reality. Your talent, love of the environment, and shining personality attract me to you. No other person in the world could compare. I guess that's why you're a celebrity crush, since those are never dreams that people achieve. You are my everything and you have saved me, even if you were never my Jack Dawson. I love you, and I will pathetically seal it in this bottle to finally let go of. Ignore the preposition on the end of that sentence.

Always with the most love,


My wasted fingers trembled as the alcohol flowed through my veins, managing to roll up the parchment before sticking it in the glass bottle. I watched as everyone carelessly tossed theirs into the metal tub, but something made me hesitate. When no one was looking I rolled mine beneath one of the outdoor couches, vowing to retrieve it before I left the event. It was far from over though as night fell and the stars shined over us, blocked by the club atmosphere. I swore that I was getting more drunk by the minute as I sashayed past the dancing bodies. Leo was in the middle of the biggest group, jumping up and down as he had the time of his life. I accidentally swayed before falling into a blue cushioned chair, thankfully not spilling a drop of my full whiskey. That's when I decided to just throw caution to the wind, hitting the dance floor as I jerkily danced. I didn't care if I came across as an idiot, or the fact I had pushed everyone away, since I was feeling free. I didn't even realize I had gained a partner, not stopping until the beat faded.

"Hi. What's your name," Leo asked me as I tucked my hair behind my ear on one side.

"Willow," I introduced.

"I don't remember you being on the guest list."

"You going to kick me out?" I frowned as fear gripped my stomach.

"No, just wanted to know your name, that's all. You look like you hit the drinks pretty hard."

"What can I say? I've never had alcohol that cost more than a hundred dollars."

He chuckled softly before gently leading me from the others, his hand never once leaving the small of my back. We were soon in the kitchen area of the grand boat, things much quieter in there. I watched dully as he brewed coffee, probably to sober me up as I accepted a full cup.

"I want to make sure everyone gets back to their hotel safely. Drink this, it should help with the alcohol."

"Thanks," I told him, blinking to find him already gone. Had I hallucinated his presence? I shook my head as I sipped on the bitter brown liquid, going slow as I leaned against the white and grey marble counter. My mind felt clearer after the coffee settled in, drifting to the life of the party as the festivities died down. I suddenly remembered my message in a bottle, but I was unable to find it, and almost everyone had left. I decided to just forget it, figuring it would just get cleaned up with the rest of the trash. As I left the expensive boat my exchange with Leo felt like a lucid dream, and I wasn't sure if I would even remember it in the morning.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've been trying to write stories where it's not instantly obvious how Leo feels about the main girl (even though that's really hard for me to do (X Anyway, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3  Also, the title of this book is from Taylor Swift's song, "Message in a Bottle" and the description is lyrics from it too. <3

Message in a Bottle || Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now