Chapter 8: The Disney Tree

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I had just finished the final song for my album, making sure the instruments were perfect before doing the recording. I was a blushing mess when I caught Leo behind the sound booth, not even seeing him since I was so into the song.

"My album's officially done now. I just need to get the cover ready and do promo," I sighed, relaxing my shoulders since I had been a bit tense.

"You looked like you were really having fun in there," he spoke, nodding to the glass barrier.

"Yeah, it's my dream job. I just hope that my music does well. I think I have some catchy songs in there, but it's up to the public."

"Do you want me to help get the word out?"

"No, I think I want to do this on my own. I mean, I guess you could do one post. I guess it's the thought that makes me feel good. I love how much you support me."

He wrapped his arms around me as I relaxed further in his embrace. "I'll post it on my Instagram right after I post the story about the latest pipeline leak." He frowned as I touched his cheek, causing his ocean orbs to look down at me.

"I'm sorry that happened again. It's so messed up how they keep polluting like that."

"That's why I have to help things change. I don't want the next generation living through that." He rubbed my back soothingly even though he was the one who needed reassurance.

"You make such an impact on the world. I'm sure things will one day change." He smiled softly before leaning in to kiss me sweetly.

"Do you want to go back to my place?"

"Yeah," I nodded, still wearing his yellow sweater as my good luck charm. Sometimes I would purposely cuddle with him in it, so his scent would rub off. Of course other times I would sneak a few spritz of his expensive cologne.

It was cooler since winter was on the horizon, December seeming to arrive overnight. I couldn't see anything when Leo entered his mansion, which was odd, since he always used his phone to turn his lights on. I saw his face glowing from the screen before the building was lit up. "You put your tree up. You put a lot of trees up." I noticed a grand white tree in the foyer with blue baubles and silver tinsel, a grey star glinting beneath the lights. In the first living room was a traditional green tree, only it was bare.

"Yeah, I got a tree for every room," he sheepishly admitted, me smiling slightly to myself.

"This is the best surprise in the world. You always come up with the best ones." I turned to him as I stood by the evergreen.

"I didn't decorate this one, because I thought we could do it together. I picked up some new ornaments. Do you want colored or white lights on the tree?"

"Both. I want it to look like a rainbow," I quietly giggled, already checking out the shiny decorations.

Leo was already taking out the brand new strands of tiny bulbs, wrapping them around the tree as I checked out the more specific items such as Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Did you seriously get a bunch of Disney ornaments for me?" My face was glowing as he finally plugged in the vivid lights.

"I know how much you like them, and I got a few from holiday specials too. There should be a Grinch one, and another for Charlie Brown."

I giggled again as I dug around to find the objects he mentioned, looping brand new hooks on them. "Let's see, we have every Disney princess, including three of Elsa, Lucky watching television from 101 Dalmatians. Um, the Aristocats posing for a family photo, Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti... No way... You remembered." Tears coated my eyes as I found an extra old one, which I had owned as a kid.

"The door even opens and everything," he demonstrated. It was Snow White bending down to give Dopey a kiss on the head, a brown door behind them.

"You are literally the best boyfriend in the whole entire world." I snaked my arms around his waist as I pressed my lips to his, almost feeling dizzy as I stopped balancing on my tip toes. "And you even found a The Fox and the Hound ornament. You know that was my favorite childhood Disney movie, along with..." I almost laughed at how joyful I felt, putting my hands on my cheeks as I grinned widely. "Aw... It's Angel and Scamp. Lady and the Tramp II, the most underrated, great Disney sequel of all time."

He chuckled softly as I proudly put it on a free branch, beaming when he handed me a miniature Pluto.

"We might as well just call this one the Disney tree," I noted. "Leo... We're going to run out of room." It was hard not to laugh as he gave me a figurine for Olaf.

Somehow we managed to fit everything out of the box, me digging around in the cardboard structure when I swore I saw something glinting in it. I was confused why there was a key hanging from a small, red bow, spinning around to ask Leo as he adjusted the red star on top of our festive evergreen.

"Leo? What's this?" I hesitantly walked up to him as he bit his lower lip before licking it.

"I wondered where that went. I lost it when I was bringing the boxes in."

"What is it?"

"It doesn't really mean much since everything is digital now. I mean, I literally use my phone for everything, especially since it's hooked up to the security system..."

"Leo... why are you rambling? You never ramble." I was touching his arm as he gave me an angelic expression, tilting his head a bit.

"Willow, would you like to move in with me?"

"Are you serious? I mean, we haven't even slept together. And... Would I keep my apartment or just stay here, or..."

"I want this to be your new home. I want to be with you all the time, and it doesn't matter if we've slept together or not. I want to be with you, Willow. Yes, I love your body, but it's you that I want here."

"How could I say no? This place is literally perfect, and you're even more perfect." Tears welled into my eyes as he brushed them away with his thumb after they escaped. "What if we find out we're not compatible though? Would we share the same room? We've taken naps before, but never been together all night in the same place."

"Willow, we'll figure it all out," he chuckled lowly at how I was overthinking everything.

"Okay." I hardly nodded as I tucked my long, black hair behind my ears, which had no point since it wasn't in the way with my bangs. It was still a nervous habit though.

"So, is it okay if we host a Christmas party at our house next week?"

"Next week?! Leo! That's so soon!"

"I have it every year, and don't worry, I already have the caterer, a maid is going to clean the house, and the decorations are up already. You don't have to worry about anything."

"Of course I would love that. Who would be coming?"

"Just a bunch of my friends and celebrities," he half smirked.

"Should I be scared? You look like you've picked some of my favorite celebrities again."

"I'll give you a hint. They always know everything." I just looked at him puzzled as he continued, "And the other one could either be a doctor or a player."

"I feel like I should know that one, but I'm still confused."

"You can invite some of your family if you want."

"I doubt any of them would come. It's such a long way."

"You can ask them anyway. Maybe they'll surprise you," he shrugged.

"I love you," I seriously said, gauging his reaction as he cupped my face in my hands, kissing me deeply. He still hadn't said those three words back, but I was hopeful since he did want us to live together. I just mostly felt confused why it hadn't happened yet.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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