Chapter 13: Three Minutes

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I kept pacing in Leo's bedroom after the party, meshing my fingers together as I freaked out. I froze when he entered the room, him just giving me a soft smile.

"Hey, are you okay," he checked.

"I... I have to give this back." I quickly put the diamond ring in his hand, biting my lower lip as I looked at the carpet.

"What do you mean you have to give it back? Are you having second thoughts?" He looked a little confused as I tucked my hair behind my ear on both sides.

"I'm not right for you, Leo. I've just been using you for your money."

"What? What the fuck are you talking about, Willow?"

"Think about everything you've bought for me, everything we've done, gone on yacht trips, and I'm pretty much dependent on you now. I didn't even try to revive my music career."

"Where is this coming from? You know none of that's true."

"But what if it is? It's not fair to you, and if I accept that 6 million dollar ring then that just proves-"

"Who the fuck told you how much it cost," he demanded, starting to get angry.

"That's not important, but I don't deserve it."

"That's bull, and you know it. I barely buy you anything expensive, Willow."

"Yeah, well some of us have a different idea of what's expensive."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He scrunched his face up negatively as I stood my ground.

"You buy me $50 dollar makeup! That's not cheap!"

"It's not bad for expensive makeup, and you wear it all the time."

"Yes, it is! Leo, $20 is a decent price for expensive makeup. A lot of people even get it cheaper at the drugstore."

"Okay, then I'll stop buying you makeup. I don't even get what we're arguing about, because you are clearly not with me for my money."

"How can you say that?"

"How can you say that?! For fuck's sake, Willow! If you're using me for my money, then what have we been doing for the past three years?! Are you telling me that I finally proposed to the one girl that ever brought me to my knee, and she's been using me the whole time?! I think I've known you long enough to know your heart! And I wanted it to be a part of mine. That's why I bought you that fucking ring. I thought you would like it. You've always admired the blue diamond from Titanic."

"You shouldn't have spent that much on me."

"Maybe you're right. No, maybe I shouldn't have spent anything on you. You clearly don't even want it."

"What are you doing," I shrieked as he dropped it on the floor.

"You say that I don't care about money, so I'm just being who you think I am."

"Does this mean we're breaking up?"

"I don't know! All I know is I'm sure as hell not happy with you right now! Who put all these crazy ideas in your head?!"

"My mom... You shouldn't have invited her."

"Oh, so now it's my fault?" He gestured to himself as I winced from his mad tone. "I was trying to do something nice for you, but apparently anytime I do something nice I'm just flaunting my money around. Is that it? Huh?"

"Stop...," I whispered.

"No, you started it first. I was willing to just calmly talk it out, but now I don't even know if we're ready to get married, or if we should."

"Leo, I..."

"Sleep in your old room tonight. I can't be around you right now."

My heart broke as I saw my worst nightmare come true from fear. Tears were already beginning to silently stream down my face as I glanced at the ring glinting on the floor beside his foot. I then ran straight out of there, slamming my bedroom door. I cried in my pillow for what felt like ages, my body aching as I hated what I did.

I heard a light knock on my door in the middle of the night, Leo finding me still awake. He wordlessly walked over to sit on the edge of my mattress, pressing his hands together as he studied them.

"I'm sorry, Leo," I choked. "I listened to what my mom said, but she's wrong. I'm sorry I wrecked a three year relationship in three minutes. I know that you're a good guy, and you deserve all of the money and success you have. But you have to understand, I'm never going to stop worrying about stupid things. It's just how I am, but I don't want to lose you."

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw the ring between his thumb and forefinger. "I figured this was for all the girls I never could marry. What I mean is, it should have been easy doing this, finding someone to marry, but it wasn't. And now I have you, and I just wanted you to have the world, all those years that we were apart."

"Can we just forget that whole conversation? That whole fight? I didn't mean anything I said." I cautiously rubbed his back as he smiled weakly.

"I don't want to forget about it, but I would like to be able to put it behind us."

"You still want to marry me with how crazy I am?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Can we make up now?"

"Yeah, but first I have something for you." He managed to slide the ring on my left hand finger as I smiled briefly.

"It really is beautiful, Leo, and I do love it. It's just scary owning something this expensive."

"And you were worried about being after my money?" He lowly chuckled as I smiled some at how he was joking about it now.

"I'm not going to lie, I do love this rich life, but it's not why I chose to be with you. I always knew that if I met my dream celebrity, I wouldn't stay with them for any other reason except for love. And I really really do love you, Leo, with all of my heart." I held his face in my hands as he touched the backs of them, warming me.

"Do you want to watch one of your new Disney movies?"

"I thought we were going to make up."

"I think I would rather just do this with you."

"Wow, you never turn down sex."

"I just want to feel close to you like I do right now, not physically but emotionally."

"Okay." I gave him a slight smile before kissing his lips extra delicately. In a short amount of time we had Toy Story playing on the flat screen in his bedroom.

At first I didn't think I heard him right, but then I realized that Leo was singing, You've Got a Friend in Me softly to me. I couldn't help but fall in love with his off key voice, leaning my head against his shoulder as we snuggled closer together.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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