Chapter 2: The Dreamer Side of Me

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I was back home in America a few days later, leaving my apartment to grab a coffee at Starbucks. My heart got caught in my throat when I spotted a man eating with a black baseball cap on and a hoodie pulled over it too. It was obvious that he was trying to hide from everyone, but my breathing was coming out more shallow by the minute since I recognized him. I brushed my hair back before cautiously taking a table near his, sipping on my drink as I inconspicuously glanced in his direction. I think he caught me staring, since he was starting to do the same with me. I licked my bare lips, since I hadn't bothered with makeup that day, noticing that the guy was leaving. I wanted to follow him, but I knew that would be wrong, so I just exited the building and went my own way. I eventually found myself at Target, just picking up a few essential items. I was passing one of the aisles when I caught sight of that familiar hat. This time he didn't have his hoodie up, just standing there with peroxide and alcohol in his hands.

I tucked my hair behind my ear for no reason until he saw me, my entire body going rigid. "Hi," I quietly greeted.

"Do I know you," he whispered, anxiously checking the area.

"Um, I was at your party in Saint Tropez. Willow."

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you." He hardly was able to force a smile as I felt disappointment hit me.

"I'm sorry if I kept looking at you in Starbucks. It's just you're my favorite actor, and we only talked briefly at the party. I guess I just wanted a chance to have a longer conversation. I know it's stupid. You're busy, and you don't care about me-"

"I'm not busy, but I am trying to get out of here before the paparazzi catch up."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'll get out of your way then."

"No, we can go talk somewhere. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you much at the party. It was a pretty wild night," he lowly chuckled.

"It was. Did you leave a message in a bottle too?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Yeah, I wrote something."

"Me too. It was a really clever idea."

"Thanks. Meet me at the front entrance by the left red ball outside."

"Okay." I confirmed that I heard his instructions, sneaking to that location as he drifted to the checkout lines.

"Come on," he huskily whispered when he caught up, taking my hand before I found myself in the passenger seat of his car. "I swear I'm not kidnapping you. I just need to get somewhere the media won't be following." He put the vehicle in reverse before we left the parking lot, eventually pulling in front of a fancy restaurant.

"Do you do this for all of your fans," I teased, him chuckling lowly as he shook his head.

"No, but I thought I owed it to you for not remembering who you were at the party."

"You don't owe me anything, but now that I've got you here... I just wanted to say how much you've influenced my life. You have literally inspired me to pursue my dream of being a singer. I just finished college for a backup, and I haven't had much success yet, but I would never have moved out here to Los Angeles to risk it all if it wasn't for you."

"I'm glad I could inspire you to follow your dream," he half smiled.

"And my favorite movies of yours are The Wolf of Wall Street and The Beach."

"Why those two," he curiously wondered, a blush rising to my cheeks as I tucked both sides of my hair behind my ears.

"Well... because you're really attractive in them. I told you I was a fan. I mean, because of your talent yes, but also... Well..." I laughed a bit awkwardly as he just looked at me amused.

Message in a Bottle || Leonardo DiCaprioTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang