Chapter 6: Iconic Clothes

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I was trying to decide on a snack as I stood in front of Leo's glowing refrigerator. He had invited me over to spend the day with him, and I was getting hungry since lunch. I eventually settled for vegan mozzarella, eating a small piece as I drifted back into the living room.

"Did you find something," Leo kindly asked, looking away from the television on low volume.

"Yeah, I found some cheese." I held it up before sitting close to his side, chewing slowly.

"I'm so fucking tired," Leo sighed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers as an episode of Ozark played from Netflix.

"Did you stay up late last night?"

"Yeah, talking to you," he chuckled lowly, pulling me closer as I blushed faintly. I held up my hand and he got the hint, pressing his palm against mine. "Your hands are so small." He was almost smiling as I did the same.

"Do you care if I play some Carly Rae Jepsen music," I requested, biting my lower lip as he shook his head.

"No, do whatever you want. Don't be surprised if I fall asleep though."

I pulled up the YouTube app on his streaming device, playing a lyric video of Party for One. I couldn't help but bob my head as I sort of danced. "I swear all of her songs are a bop."

Leo was barely nodding as his eyelids grew heavy, his cheek resting against the back of the couch. My curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself quietly leaving the room to check out the rooms in his house again. I padded along the hall on the second floor, chancing to step into his bedroom. It felt wrong to be in there alone, but I still slid his closet open, touching the fabrics of his shirts. I found a small area with older clothes, taking the brown, soft jacket off the hanger that he had worn in media pictures once. I slipped my arms through it before delicately touching the cologne bottle resting on his dresser. I could almost smell the traces of citrus, managing to open one of his drawers that happened to have all of his underwear in it. I blushed as I found a pair of red boxers that caught my eye, touching them carefully before leaving things as they were. I stood before his full length mirror, posing in the brown jacket before noticing a stack of fresh, one hundred dollar bills on his dresser. I inhaled sharply at how much money he must own, stepping away to enter his bathroom. His razor was resting beside the gleaming, white sink on the marble counter, me picking it up as I thought how he must use it to shave his face every morning. I was so hopelessly an obsessed fan, having no idea how he could even stand me. I gasped when I spun around to find Leo in the doorway, my cheeks instantly turning bright red.

"I'm sorry. I just got curious. I swear I put everything back, well almost everything." I adjusted the article of clothing still on me as he walked up to me.

"What are you doing with my razor," he lowly chuckled, clearly amused.

"I... needed to shave my legs?"

He shook his head as he took it to situate it in the same spot. "You like my jacket?" He was biting his lower lip as I shyly hugged myself.

"I loved all of your clothes from the 90s. I can't believe you still have it in your closet."

"I only kept a few things. Would you like to see the others? Or did you see them already?"

"No, I would like that."

We both ventured back to the spacious storage, him showing me a grey t-shirt from The Beach along with the iconic yellow sweater, and a more recent mustard yellow turtleneck from Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood. I giggled as he allowed me to check out a few of his ties, showing me a tacky one Tobey gave him for a gag gift last year.

"I have a Christmas tie that I just got for the picture on it. It has Scrooge McDuck on it. I tried putting it on, but I have no idea how to tie a tie."

"Would you like me to show you," he offered, me nodding as I bounced on the end of his bed. He took a maroon one from the bunch, gently placing it around my neck before explaining the Windsor knot. I watched as his fingers carefully did the correct pattern, him tugging on it to tighten it a bit once he was finished. I gazed up into his eyes, his old jacket still hanging on my shoulders, my lilac sweater on.

"So, how do I look?" I fleetingly half smiled before self-consciously tucking my straightened hair behind my ears.

"I'm not sure what I think about lilac and maroon together," he lightly chuckled.

I rose to gaze at my reflection in the tall mirror, frowning at my odd combination. "Hm... I'm not sure if it looks bad, but it's definitely not my taste. I don't really have a reason to wear ties anyway. I'm not in business and I've never had a school uniform."

He smiled nicely as he aided me in removing it, taking his jacket back in the process. I brushed my bangs from my eyes as I thought of something.

"So, have you ever rolled in money?"

"What?" He nearly chuckled as he turned from the shut closet.

"I just... I thought maybe you had tried it once. I think it's something a lot of people are curious about."

"Maybe once." He shot me a discreet smirk before stepping over to his dresser. "Would you like to help me break these in?"

"I couldn't. It's not like they're dollar bills."

He just gradually started smirking, circling the bed as he pushed the crisp pieces of paper all over the mattress.

"If I didn't know any better. I would think you're trying to reenact a scene from The Wolf of Wall Street."

He gave me a mischievous smirk before jumping over me, pushing me down to kiss me. I was surprised at how gentle it was, us rolling around a bit as we made out, a few of the bills sticking to my clothes and hair. We basically just kept doing that, careful to switch sides when we nearly fell off the edge. I smiled against his lips as he kept his warm hands on my hips, gripping them tightly so I wouldn't hurt myself.

"I can't believe you actually did this," I told him once we broke for air.

"I knew you would like it." I breathed shakily as he poked his hands into the back pockets of my jeans, grasping his dark blue button up as I stared into his ocean eyes.

"You drive me crazy, Leo. Oh goodness, I don't even care if we're surrounded by money, because all I can see is you."

"I figured, since you didn't touch it earlier. I counted it and the same amount was still there."

"Why? Have some of your girlfriends taken it before?" I frowned as he shook his head.

"No, they don't have a reason to, but they have counted it to get an idea of how much I have, which most of it's in the bank anyway."

I barely nodded as he finally removed his hands from my pants to innocently caress my face.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend, Willow?" He swiped his thumb over my lower lip as I lost my ability to breathe.

"Really? You trust me after I snuck into your room? I felt bad about it..."

"Willow, the only thing you took was my brown jacket, and almost my razor." He half smirked as my cheeks flushed. "And even then, I can tell you weren't snooping around."

"You're right. I would rather have your iconic clothes than all the money in the world."

"You want them?"

"Huh?" I tilted my head in puzzlement before he stood to show me the few outfits he had stored.

"You can wear them whenever you come over, okay?" His permanent half smirk kept rendering me speechless as I forced myself to nod.


A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

Message in a Bottle || Leonardo DiCaprioTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang